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Perfect Fighter AIO


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suggestion for brutal black dragons:if not in combat and all 4 dragons are occupied then turn off prayer until at least one of them dies

this saves prayer

bug?: doesn't go to bank when pray pots are finished and inv is not full

bug #2: stuck between 2 buildings with water symbol on them after it banks and tries to go back to cave i can show pic tmrw if u need (walk setting 1)

this is v194.4

bug#3?: i dont know if its just me but it also does not bank when inv is full w/ pray pots in inv. i paused the script and clicked on the rope and resumed, it went to altar then came back inside the cave with the full inv didnt bank

suggestion: if user has food in their inv setup and there is no more food left while fighting then bank(); this will decrease deaths

i've babysat this plugin for an hour now and those are the bugs/suggestions i could come up with sorry for the messy format

Edited by cell96
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Really unhappy with the way this acts when there's a wall, and the same NPC is on both sides of the wall. Aberrant spectres in the Slayer Tower, for example, have a wall separating two groups of them. The bot will click on a spectre on the other side of the wall and run all the way around, when there's one right in front of my character that could have been selected instead. After it kills one on that side of the wall, it then runs back to where it was before. It looks like very obvious bot behavior. 

Also, I don't know if it should be able to do this, but it can't make it to the bank from the second floor of the Slayer Tower. It gets stuck by the stairs. 


Thus far, I'm underwhelmed by the "perfect" fighter. 

Edited by bottingbandit
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just bought it, and when i start a script its lags, my osbot client freezes for 1 second it freezes everytime after 5 secs, no other bots are freezing like this one, what should i do?




EDIT: dosent lagg anymore, but it fails when i do green dragons, i start from edge bank to 13 lvl wild area, when he runs threw the mountain at edge wild 3lvl, it just stops and does nothing.

Edited by edvia
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