kryten189 Posted June 4, 2023 Share Posted June 4, 2023 does this script work on demonic gorillas or is it a bit over complex? just purchased for some other stuff but thought I'd check Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dunkalunk Posted June 5, 2023 Share Posted June 5, 2023 Hi @Czar !! I bought your bot, I been trying to setup to kill Skeletal Wyverns, but I havent been able to figure out how to setup that, Doesnt matter how I setup the "travel to fightzone" thing, I just stands there and says "calculating"... Any guide or instructions I could read on that? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snucer Posted June 7, 2023 Share Posted June 7, 2023 Hey, have we got the plugin for elder chaos druids yet? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dunkalunk Posted June 11, 2023 Share Posted June 11, 2023 I dont know how to setup the bot to use all charges in the Digsite pendant instead of withdrawing a new one every trip... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dieter123456 Posted June 13, 2023 Share Posted June 13, 2023 @Czar could you hook me up with a trail ? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redroostir Posted June 14, 2023 Share Posted June 14, 2023 @Czar is the sand crab plug-in down? I set up my gear and inventory but when starting the script it will just run to sand crab location without grabbing preset gear or inventory preset 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pvpker Posted June 15, 2023 Share Posted June 15, 2023 (edited) Slayer tower needs some tweaking. It seems to be trying to read all the floors as one and is attacking random monsters there. Even if I set fight bounds and a safe spot it just runs to that spot on the ground floor and starts attacking whatever npc is there. For example if I'm doing gargoyles I set my fight bounds for the area and it works flawlessly until it goes to the bank. It banks and walks back to just outside the front door and stands there endlessly. But in the log it just repeats that it's at the target destination Same when I'm doing nechs but it stays in the banshee area on the ground floor and starts killing banshees. Edited to add: I shrunk my bounds and it still gets stuck sometimes but for the most part its working smoothly. I'm assuming the issue was user related and not the script. Edited June 18, 2023 by pvpker prolly user error 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greensun30 Posted June 17, 2023 Share Posted June 17, 2023 Works great. Only real issue is that the bot struggles with edgeville bank and will sit outside of it indefinitely trying to click on the banker booth which is blocked by the roof so the clicks are never registered. An easy fix would be having the bot click on the minimap to go inside the bank, walk inside, and then click the booth. That way the roof will disappear allowing the booth to be clicked on. I've been working around this issue by rerouting to another bank but a human wouldn't need to do that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Billym1235 Posted June 18, 2023 Share Posted June 18, 2023 @Czarcould i get a trial of this? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dunkalunk Posted June 19, 2023 Share Posted June 19, 2023 "Enable player" hasnt been working for me lately... After the first break, the bot login and forget to use Prayer again, I had to enable it manually 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shpat Posted June 19, 2023 Share Posted June 19, 2023 (edited) Hi, just bought this. Im looking to safespot custom enemies such as Zamorak warriors currently with mage. Ive been trying to set it up for an hour but no dice. Can you please show me how to do such a thing? I might need a refund if such a thing isn't possible. i think i got it to work. is there a way however to extend it so it goes out of its safespot to attack in order to pull the enemy into range? Edited June 19, 2023 by shpat 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terek101 Posted June 20, 2023 Share Posted June 20, 2023 Quote [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_allow_pray_altar" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "unreachable" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_slayer_bag_of_salt" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_wait_loot" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_allow_spec_below_health" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_fight_with_cannon" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_eq_when_possible" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "bank_mode" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_loot_single_ammo" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_custom_breaks" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_4" changed to "Blue_wizard_robe" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_bank_equip_slot_10" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_3" changed to "Staff_of_air" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "bank_condition" changed to "No_food" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_eat_before_loot" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_2" changed to "Amulet_of_magic" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "loot_in_combat" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_0" changed to "Blue_wizard_hat" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_stopcon_safe" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_spec_my_health" changed to "30" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_lootbag_mode" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "alert_random_event" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "telegrab_loot" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "alert_name_called" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_allow_spec_npc_health" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_readyclick_npc" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "npc_name_0" changed to "Monk" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_real_distance" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "prayer_flick_mode" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ab_override_random" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_slayer_rockhammer" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "npc_list_size" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_return_safespot_no_loot" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ab_mouse_outside" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "stop_con_action_1" changed to "2" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_save_cannon_tile" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_fightzone_loot" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_chosen_spell" changed to "Wind_strike" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_b2p_mode" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "ss_return_safespot_combat" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "stop_con_1_val_2" changed to "8" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: "stop_con_1_val_1" changed to "magic" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Name: [Monk], combat: [0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Trying id 0... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: ... results: id: 555 amount: 1000 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Trying id 1... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: ... results: id: 558 amount: 2000 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Trying id 2... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: ... results: id: 333 amount: 23 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Bank Condition found: [No_food] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Setting value 1 to: 24 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Setting value 2 to: 41 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Setting cannonball value 2 to: 15 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:56 PM]: Setting cannonball value 1 to: 15 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:58 PM]: Generating next random break target... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:58 PM]: "bot_target_minutes" changed to "11" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:58 PM]: Generating next random break target... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:33:58 PM]: "break_target_minutes" changed to "5" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: ---------- ready ---------- [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: done, 0 loot items and 0 bank items [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Setting goal level commands... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Extended name-call alert detected! (0) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Appending item 555! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Appending item 558! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Appending item 333! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Filling up exclusion list! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: .. total of 0 missing exclusions added! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: "ss_magic_mode" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: CALLING SETUP ONCE @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: We're banking for armour, let's enable the flag... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: "check_equipment_banking" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Stop condition set (At level 8 magic) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Special change from (0) to (100) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: A) Checking if we have the weapon/shield equipped... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: "ss_prebreak_seconds" changed to "20" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: "ss_prebreak_seconds" changed to "120" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Successfully overrid breaks! [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:06 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:08 PM]: [MAGIC]: Npcs in database: 8605. If this number is low - npcs could not be loaded. [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:08 PM]: [MAGIC]: Finding nearest npc.... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:08 PM]: [MAGIC]: .. checking for nearby npcs first... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:08 PM]: [MAGIC]: Found npc fight zone based on nearby npcs, proceeding! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:09 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:09 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:09 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:09 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:09 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:09 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:09 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:09 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:10 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:11 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:11 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:11 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:11 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:11 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:11 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:11 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:11 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:12 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:13 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 156 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:13 PM]: Npc name is: [Monk] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:13 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target (Magic) at [x=3046, y=3498, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:34:13 PM]: Doing FIGHT MAGIC! script gets stuck trying to fight monks with magic enabled. im in the monk location and doesnt do anything Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terek101 Posted June 20, 2023 Share Posted June 20, 2023 is the script able to select autocast rather than doing it manually? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terek101 Posted June 20, 2023 Share Posted June 20, 2023 Quote [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_allow_spec_npc_health" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_readyclick_npc" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "npc_name_0" changed to "Cow" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_real_distance" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "prayer_flick_mode" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ab_override_random" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_slayer_rockhammer" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "npc_list_size" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_return_safespot_no_loot" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ab_mouse_outside" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "stop_con_action_1" changed to "2" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_save_cannon_tile" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_fightzone_loot" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_chosen_spell" changed to "Wind_strike" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_b2p_mode" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "ss_return_safespot_combat" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "stop_con_1_val_2" changed to "8" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "stop_con_1_val_1" changed to "magic" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: Name: [Cow], combat: [0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: ---------- ready ---------- [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: Added 0 tiles to hull [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: Name: [Cow], combat: [0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: Appending item 555! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: Appending item 558! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: Appending item 333! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: Filling up exclusion list! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: .. total of 0 missing exclusions added! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:52 PM]: "g_walk_setting" changed to "90" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: We are in SDN mode, let's load via resources [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Banks added: [70] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Teleport spells added: [16] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Stronghold added [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Entrances added: [67] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Agility shortcuts added: [15] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Floors added: [35] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Scenery added: [2] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Carpet rides added: [4] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Carpet rides added: [5] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: NPC teleports added: [1] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Added al-kharid gate (payment) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Added 14500 nodes to graph in [279ms]. [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: CALLING SETUP ONCE @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: We're banking for armour, let's enable the flag... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: "check_equipment_banking" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Stop condition set (At level 8 magic) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Special change from (0) to (100) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: A) Checking if we have the weapon/shield equipped... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: "ss_prebreak_seconds" changed to "20" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: "ss_prebreak_seconds" changed to "120" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Successfully overrid breaks! [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:53 PM]: "cli_mode" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:56:58 PM]: Yay! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: 8 actionpoints ready [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: Special change from (0) to (100) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: A) Checking if we have the weapon/shield equipped... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: Generating next random break target... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: "bot_target_minutes" changed to "19" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: Generating next random break target... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: "break_target_minutes" changed to "4" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: Checking attack options to see if they're hidden (one-time process)... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:07 PM]: "next_run_energy" changed to "27" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:08 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "no name for 2000ms" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:08 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 164 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:08 PM]: Npc name is: [Cow] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:57:08 PM]: Not with npcs... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:36 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:37 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:37 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:37 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:37 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:38 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:38 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:38 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:38 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:39 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:39 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:40 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:40 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:40 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:40 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:41 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:41 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:41 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:41 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:42 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:42 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:43 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:43 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:43 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:43 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:44 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:44 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:44 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:44 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:45 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:45 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:45 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:45 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:46 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:46 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:47 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:47 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:47 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:47 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:48 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:48 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:48 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:48 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:49 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:49 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:49 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:49 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:50 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:50 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:50 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:50 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:51 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:51 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:52 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:52 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:52 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:52 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:53 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:53 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:00:53 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3249, y=3267, z=0] player gets stuck outside of cows at lummy due to the fence being closed Quote [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:02 PM]: Banks added: [70] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Teleport spells added: [16] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Stronghold added [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Entrances added: [67] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Agility shortcuts added: [15] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Floors added: [35] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Scenery added: [2] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Carpet rides added: [4] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Carpet rides added: [5] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: NPC teleports added: [1] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Added al-kharid gate (payment) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Added 14500 nodes to graph in [279ms]. [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: CALLING SETUP ONCE @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: We're banking for armour, let's enable the flag... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: "check_equipment_banking" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Stop condition set (At level 8 magic) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Special change from (0) to (100) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: A) Checking if we have the weapon/shield equipped... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: "ss_prebreak_seconds" changed to "20" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: "ss_prebreak_seconds" changed to "120" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Successfully overrid breaks! [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:03 PM]: "cli_mode" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:07 PM]: Yay! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: 8 actionpoints ready [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: Special change from (0) to (100) [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: A) Checking if we have the weapon/shield equipped... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: Generating next random break target... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: "bot_target_minutes" changed to "22" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: Generating next random break target... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: "break_target_minutes" changed to "8" [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: Checking attack options to see if they're hidden (one-time process)... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 164 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: Npc name is: [Cow] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 06:58:15 PM]: Not with npcs... [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:40 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:41 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:41 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:42 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:42 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:42 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:42 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:43 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:43 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:43 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:43 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:44 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:44 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:44 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:44 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:45 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:45 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:45 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:45 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:46 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:46 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:46 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:46 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:47 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:47 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:48 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:48 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:48 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:48 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:49 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:49 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:49 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:49 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:50 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:50 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:50 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:50 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:51 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:51 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:51 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:51 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:52 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:52 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:52 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:53 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:53 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:53 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:54 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:54 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:54 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:54 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:55 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:55 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:56 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:56 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:56 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:56 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:57 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:57 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:57 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:57 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:58 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:58 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:59 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:59 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:59 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:01:59 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:00 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:00 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:00 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:00 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:01 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:01 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:01 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:01 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:02 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:02 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:03 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:03 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:03 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:03 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:04 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:04 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:04 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:04 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:05 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:05 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:05 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:05 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:06 PM]: Not in an area with npcs, walking to: [x=3251, y=3266, z=0] from: [x=3248, y=3269, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 07:02:06 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shpat Posted June 20, 2023 Share Posted June 20, 2023 (edited) When travel option is set to Games necklace it doesn't work, in my case from Varrock bank it tried to teleport to the House when the option is set to use Games Necklace to teleport to the Fight Arena Burtthorpe. Edit: It did teleport this time after setting Games Necklace also as bank option, however it tries to teleport to House after tp'ing to Burtthorpe, [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: java.lang.NullPointerException [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: Not with npcs... [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: Found entrance: Taverley dungeon entrance [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: getWalkDestinationSuh->[x=2895, y=9800, z=0]/ does indeed have an action. [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: We are at least 16 tiles away from our destination. Or we are standing on it! [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: we: [x=2896, y=3554, z=0], dest: [x=2896, y=3554, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: We are more than 5 tiles away from our destination ([x=2896, y=3554, z=0]) [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: tele DOACTION Matey [INFO][Bot #1][06/20 09:41:37 am]: The action is: Teleport to house Also maybe pause fight timeout countdown when setting settings in the script and/or it's on pause because it keeps counting somehow and hops right after settings. Edited June 20, 2023 by shpat 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...