larasophia Posted May 24, 2023 Share Posted May 24, 2023 On 5/12/2016 at 11:15 AM, Czar said: Próximos NPCs: Green Dragons NÃO SUPORTADOS! , CARANGUEJOS DA ROCHA, CARANGUEJOS DA AREIA, CARANGUEJOS AMONITES Adicionados! RUNE DRAGONS ACABOU DE ADICIONAR, ENTRE NAQUELE DOCE 2-3m/hr! Quer comprar com a OSRS GP? Compre um voucher de loja aqui! E esta doce gota ao testar o script para a atualização v254.0... RESULTADO DE 52 HORAS! Lista de teclas de atalho F1 = set cannon tile // F2 = hide paint // F3 = Set afk tile // F4 = reset afk tile // F6 = Set safespot tile // F7 = activate tile selector // F8 = Reset tile selector // F9 e F10 usados pelo cliente, EDIT: reatribuirá como eles não são mais usados pelo cliente // F11 = Set breaks tile / / F12 = Reset breaks tile Interface do Usuário Demonstração da guia Banking (lida com tudo com bancos) Você pode copiar o inventário (para evitar adicionar itens individuais...), você pode inserir nomes de itens que têm preenchimento automático (para você preguiçoso!) e você pode escolher se deseja bloquear um item e evitar depositá-lo no banco, ideal para runas e munição. Demonstração da guia Saque (De saques a alquimia, itens anotáveis/empilháveis também) Você pode escolher se deseja alch um item depois de saqueá-lo simplesmente ativando uma caixa de seleção, com uma representação visual. Todos os itens são salvos ao sair do bot, para sua conveniência! Demonstração de Tarefa (Não confundir com modo de sequência, esta é uma tarefa individual para nivelamento) Você pode definir condições de parada, por exemplo, para parar o bot depois de saquear um visage, você pode ter uma sequência de nivelamento alterando estilos de ataque e treinando todas as estatísticas de combate, você pode ter bolhas de alerta de janelas quando um evento ocorre e um layout expansivo para opções diversas! Demonstração do Filme de Oração (Apenas exemplo, eu fiz mais rápido depois de gravar este GIF) Existem duas configurações: modo de segurança e modo eficiente, este é o modo de segurança: Fight Bounds Demo Allows you to setup the fight bounds easily! Simplified NPC chooser Either choose nearby (local) NPCs or enter an NPC name to find the nearest fight location! Simple interface, just click! Level Task Switch Demo (Switching to attack combat style after getting 5 defence) You can choose how often to keep levels together! e.g. switch styles every 3 levels Cannon Demo (Cannon is still experimental, beta mode!) Choose to kill npcs with a cannon, recharges at a random revolution after around 20-24 hits to make sure the cannon never goes empty too! Results Ogros enjaulados: Como esse bot sabe onde encontrar NPCs? Este bot encontrará npcs distantes simplesmente digitando o nome do NPC. Todos os NPCs do jogo, incluindo seus pontos de desova foram documentados, o bot sabe onde eles estão. Você pode digitar 'Hill giant' enquanto sua conta estiver em Lumbridge, e o bot encontrará o caminho para a área de gigantes da masmorra de edgeville! Aqui está uma representação visual do sistema de desova em ação (esta é apenas uma ferramenta visual, o modo de mapa não é adicionado devido a ele exigir muita CPU) Fight Area Example (How the bot searches for the npc 'Wolf') Walking System The script has 2 main walking options which have distinctive effects on the script. The walking system is basically a map with points and connections linking each point. It tells the script where to go, and decides the routes to take when walking to fightzones. Walking system 1 This uses a custom walking API written by myself and is constantly being updated as new fightzones are added. Pros: - Updates are instant, no waiting times - More fightzones are supported Cons: - Sometimes if an object is altered, the changes are not instant - Restarting the script too many times requires loading this webwalker each time which adds unnecessary memory (there is no way to make it only load at client startup since I don't control the client) Sistema de caminhada 2 Esta é a API padrão do OSBot webwalking - é relativamente nova e muito estável desde que os desenvolvedores a construíram, mas atualmente está faltando certas zonas de luta (por exemplo, fortaleza) e outras zonas de requisitos de alto nível. É perfeito para caminhadas normais (sem interações de objetos ou escadas, entradas etc) e nunca falha. Profissionais: - Estável, funciona perfeitamente para andar normal - Todos os scripters estão dando código para melhorar o webwalker do cliente - Mais eficiente ao reiniciar o script, uma vez que ele é carregado no início do cliente Contras: - Ainda não há apoio de reduto - Algumas novas/raras fightzones ainda não suportadas - Se houver uma atualização de quebra de jogo ou uma zona de luta não suportada, pode levar algum tempo para adicionar/reparar (menos de 24 horas normalmente) Então, qual sistema devo escolher? Seja qual for o que melhor se adequar à sua zona de luta escolhida! Realmente não deve haver problemas - o único propósito dessas opções são para fins de backup e emergência, se o script bagunçar há sempre a próxima opção a ser selecionada. Nota: Se o script falhar, haverá atualizações imediatas para corrigir os sistemas de caminhada! Modelos de Relatório de Bugs: New feature request - What is the new feature - Basic description of what the script should do - Basic actions for the script: 'Use item on item' etc. For when the script gets stuck on a tile (or continuous loop): - Which exact tile does the script get stuck on? (exact tile, not 'near the draynor village') - Plugin or normal script? - Did you try all 3 walking options? Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows) - What is the bug - How did you make the bug happen - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something - Tried client restart? - Normal script or a plugin? - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. lutador perfeito por favor, eu teste e compro 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Posted May 25, 2023 Share Posted May 25, 2023 Hi @Czar have been using your script for a month now and just wondering if there would be a potential of adding a bursting feature to this script? There are a lot of times I (and I'm sure others) would want to use this script for busting tasks such as Jellies/Nechraelys etc for slayer, however the script as currently is would only pick one target and you'd have to hope that it hits others to trigger their combat. Is it possible to add a bursting feature by any chance that would tag multiple enemies (through knives/darts or mage itself) and then go back to the safe spot and burst? I'm assuming having it so it sets them up perfectly might be a bit too much to do, but this would be great if possible. Thanks! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Czar Posted May 25, 2023 Author Share Posted May 25, 2023 Yessir, I am working on 2 new setup tabs for this bot, one for slayer and one for preparation/goldfarmers. The slayer tab will have a lot of slayer functionality built in, and popular methods for slayer, including bursting dust devils and fighting superior slayer npcs better etc. The preparation tab will have stuff like: go to bank and withdraw X armour, upgrade X armour, go to grand exchange and buy/sell X armour, prepare camera/attack settings before starting, sell items before starting, etc etc Also guys I added a lot of updates to allow more npcs, more locations, and I made a few fixes to GDK, wilderness, ferox, vampyres (haunted mine/slayer), hill giants (giant's plateau), more plugin work (added saving/loading to crabs etc), added ash burying, stronghold, brutals and a lot more fixes. And I have a lot more new features being tested and will be released soon, I am listening to every single post/feedback I get here, from DMs and from discord @qlar I recommend zooming out the camera to max, this is the best way imo, but default zoom is also fine. I will add a way to move the camera and set the zoom automatically @bobdough yes there is a way to pick up bones for ironmen, it will only loot the bones you earn, you must select [Only loot my items] for this, else it will loot everything. Guys I also have been doing more work on the planner and task interfaces, please remember to enable [Keep levels within] if you are using the [Evenly] option in tasks. I am also finishing up on magic/range for the planner interface, including auto-upgrade bows/d'hide. Right now only normal bows are upgradeable but I will be adding knives/darts/cbows etc. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Posted May 25, 2023 Share Posted May 25, 2023 19 minutes ago, Czar said: Yessir, I am working on 2 new setup tabs for this bot, one for slayer and one for preparation/goldfarmers. The slayer tab will have a lot of slayer functionality built in, and popular methods for slayer, including bursting dust devils and fighting superior slayer npcs better etc. The preparation tab will have stuff like: go to bank and withdraw X armour, upgrade X armour, go to grand exchange and buy/sell X armour, prepare camera/attack settings before starting, sell items before starting, etc etc Also guys I added a lot of updates to allow more npcs, more locations, and I made a few fixes to GDK, wilderness, ferox, vampyres (haunted mine/slayer), hill giants (giant's plateau), more plugin work (added saving/loading to crabs etc), added ash burying, stronghold, brutals and a lot more fixes. And I have a lot more new features being tested and will be released soon, I am listening to every single post/feedback I get here, from DMs and from discord @qlar I recommend zooming out the camera to max, this is the best way imo, but default zoom is also fine. I will add a way to move the camera and set the zoom automatically @bobdough yes there is a way to pick up bones for ironmen, it will only loot the bones you earn, you must select [Only loot my items] for this, else it will loot everything. Guys I also have been doing more work on the planner and task interfaces, please remember to enable [Keep levels within] if you are using the [Evenly] option in tasks. I am also finishing up on magic/range for the planner interface, including auto-upgrade bows/d'hide. Right now only normal bows are upgradeable but I will be adding knives/darts/cbows etc. That is great - thank you so much for your work 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Czar Posted May 26, 2023 Author Share Posted May 26, 2023 Any time! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
runetda Posted May 27, 2023 Share Posted May 27, 2023 Czar can i have hour trial please? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Covlad Posted May 28, 2023 Share Posted May 28, 2023 Hey Czar, would really appreciate a free trail on this, thanks 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
forumaccount Posted May 30, 2023 Share Posted May 30, 2023 isit possible to save initial setup and low resource mode per profile and bring forward profile selection to the first interface after starting bot? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blueberrymuffin Posted May 31, 2023 Share Posted May 31, 2023 (edited) @Czar Can you please add a way to 'Attack monster between "a-b" time, in milliseconds'? Instead of the delayed attack or regular attack which are very patern-like. For instance you could set it to attack monster between 100ms-5000ms, so it would vary between almost immediate to a few seconds randomly? I use this script alot, and thats the only downfall i see. Either you have to use delayed attacks, or instant attacks, no way to set your own intervals, Each setting is very pattern-like. I would personally donate to you if you did this as an update. and it would allow everyone using the scrip to set their own parameters and be way less detectable. Edited May 31, 2023 by blueberrymuffin 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jjman001 Posted May 31, 2023 Share Posted May 31, 2023 Bro the chinning script is coming along. Can you please add the bot potting range potions 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stolec132 Posted June 1, 2023 Share Posted June 1, 2023 Can i get to perfect fighter free trial for 24h? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
runetda Posted June 2, 2023 Share Posted June 2, 2023 Have option to use looting bag? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blueberrymuffin Posted June 2, 2023 Share Posted June 2, 2023 @Czar Can you please add a way to 'Attack monster between "a-b" time, in milliseconds'? Instead of the delayed attack or regular attack which are very patern-like. For instance you could set it to attack monster between 100ms-5000ms, so it would vary between almost immediate to a few seconds randomly? I use this script alot, and thats the only downfall i see. Either you have to use delayed attacks, or instant attacks, no way to set your own intervals, Each setting is very pattern-like. I would personally donate to you if you did this as an update. and it would allow everyone using the scrip to set their own parameters and be way less detectable. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Czar Posted June 2, 2023 Author Share Posted June 2, 2023 On 5/31/2023 at 4:08 PM, jjman001 said: Bro the chinning script is coming along. Can you please add the bot potting range potions Yes I am adding these 5 hours ago, runetda said: Have option to use looting bag? Yessir I have given you 24 hr trial On 5/31/2023 at 6:01 AM, blueberrymuffin said: @Czar Can you please add a way to 'Attack monster between "a-b" time, in milliseconds'? Instead of the delayed attack or regular attack which are very patern-like. For instance you could set it to attack monster between 100ms-5000ms, so it would vary between almost immediate to a few seconds randomly? I use this script alot, and thats the only downfall i see. Either you have to use delayed attacks, or instant attacks, no way to set your own intervals, Each setting is very pattern-like. I would personally donate to you if you did this as an update. and it would allow everyone using the scrip to set their own parameters and be way less detectable. Yes sure ^^ I have personally made sure the bot doesn't have leave any patterns, but if it makes you feel better I will add it On 5/30/2023 at 4:10 PM, forumaccount said: isit possible to save initial setup and low resource mode per profile and bring forward profile selection to the first interface after starting bot? Right now only the walk mode is saved, but I will add low resource mode to the list. I may remove the whole initial setup interface and put it in the top-left file menu maybe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaxius Posted June 3, 2023 Share Posted June 3, 2023 Hello, could I receive a trial to test first before buying? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...