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Perfect Fighter AIO


Recommended Posts

- What is the bug
Cannot set fight bounds
- How did you make the bug happen
The script does not respond to f7
- Tried client restart?
- Normal script or a plugin?
Normal script
- Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc.

Irellevent, happens in every scenario I have tried (Melee, Magic, etc.) Have not tried cannon mode or ranged mode.





New feature request
- What is the new feature
Safespot for magic
- Basic description of what the script should do
Same safespot logic as ranged mode, but enable it for magic mode
- Basic actions for the script: 'Use item on item' etc.


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I still use it every day its absolutely great.

but the cons at green dragons, sometimes it just doesnt work. if you die and spawn at lumb, it will walk to edgeville, stand at the bank. grabs nothing.

Or when it teleports up to corp, and some where near 18 ports. it wont walk anywhere and stands still for 3 hours.

Last time I died, ran back to edgeville, banked everything and started teleporting up without any gear. and yes i had my gear selected

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9 hours ago, bloodh00t2 said:

I still use it every day its absolutely great.

but the cons at green dragons, sometimes it just doesnt work. if you die and spawn at lumb, it will walk to edgeville, stand at the bank. grabs nothing.

Or when it teleports up to corp, and some where near 18 ports. it wont walk anywhere and stands still for 3 hours.

Last time I died, ran back to edgeville, banked everything and started teleporting up without any gear. and yes i had my gear selected

yeah i tried everything to get greens working... lost 2 accounts trying i gave up haha


i am currently trying to get blues working i have an account with agi lvl for the pipe shortcut 
anybody know if i can get it to use the pipe it just trys running around the long way.

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