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Statistics or Discrete Minor?


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Most of you probably know i'm a college student pursuing a B.S in Computer Science. I have to choose my classes for next year tonight and looking for a good minor to complement my major and I'm pretty sure I want it to be math. But, because of the intensity of my curriculum and the required 4 business classes to major in applied mathematics a double major is not an option. I play on doing, Artificial Intelligence or Cyber Security. So what do yo think is better Statistics or Discrete Math?


Course I've take: (Non gen eds) 


*Will take with projected Discrete Minor


Freshman Year:

Calc I-III

Discrete Math I

Linear Algebra I

Function Programming Design 

Object Oriented Programming

Systems Programming

Intro to Machine Organization and Assembly Language




Applied Statistics

Graph Theory*

Operating Systems


Database Systems I

Software Engineering

Mechanics Physics

Electromagnetic Physics

Intro to Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Intro to Biology



Jr - Senior

* Combinatorics

* Discrete Optimization

* Discrete II

plus other engineering. computer science, and required classes

Edited by Qubit
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From what I learned when declaring my minor, it will be better for you in the long-run to choose a minor that your current major/class schedule already has you taking classes in. i.e., Odds are you will take classes that are requirements for your major that will overlap with one or even both of these minors, which will allow you to finish/work at finishing them at the same time?


Just a thought however, obviously if you like one over the other course work isn't going to matter to you all that much.



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