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Powerleveling, Pest Control and Defenders! (Rs07)


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Sezerrr's Service!


hereby I am opening my Powerleveling, Pest Control and Defender Service!

I am playing Runescape since 2007, an experienced Runescape player!
I have an almost maxed zerker acc. (feel free to add me) 


I know that i don't have a name on this forum, but everyone has to start somewhere.

Outside school and football I still have time to help people with this service.
If you doubt me, I can give my Facebook.


If you are interested u can add me on Skype --> Sezro2830 or pm me here. here the agreements are discussed with a service you want, then we will discuss a price.

We can use a MM who will keep the money until the service is done on your account (customer pays MM). If the customer decides to not use a MM, then i ask 50% depost.


There will not be botted on the account!! If the customer does want this (price will be less, but I am not responsible for bans).



I powerlevel every combat stat and skill except mining, thieving, farming en agility.

Feedback is required!


Everyone is welcome!
With best regards

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Sezerrr's Service!


hereby I am opening my Powerleveling, Pest Control and Defender Service!

I am playing Runescape since 2007, an experienced Runescape player!

I have an almost maxed zerker acc. (feel free to add me) 


I know that i don't have a name on this forum, but everyone has to start somewhere.

Outside school and football I still have time to help people with this service.

If you doubt me, I can give my Facebook.


If you are interested u can add me on Skype --> Sezro2830 or pm me here. here the agreements are discussed with a service you want, then we will discuss a price.

We can use a MM who will keep the money until the service is done on your account (customer pays MM). If the customer decides to not use a MM, then i ask 50% depost.


There will not be botted on the account!! If the customer does want this (price will be less, but I am not responsible for bans).



I powerlevel every combat stat and skill except mining, thieving, farming en agility.

Feedback is required!


Everyone is welcome!

With best regards



Please add a TOS and repost this. Check out other threads and the pinned threads here for my information and examples.

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