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This is some funny ass shit.




You have a problem with real life and work and stuff and cannot give this guy his money and he's mad about that (which is understandable).


Yet, when the same situation was flipped where I had your money (I was mm'ing your trade) and I was at work and had real life stuff to do, you went and filed a scam report. You also knew I was busy and didn't bother to send me a separate message on Skype or even a PM on the forums. Instead, you just went and filed a scam report - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/73256-)


This is making me laugh.



Edited by RoomScape
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I saw how much people took the piss out of him on a different site, never really paid much attention, now I'm starting to realize why. He's a pleb.

Hello non ban evader who I called a ban evader then realized I mistook you for someone else and aren't a ban evader but may still be a ban evader.

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Actully dbuffed started harassing me and I begged for my money back and he wouldn't give me it so I got mad I understanded he had issues for the first 2 days but April 6 he said will start Tmr the next day came he said Fsmily in hospital I understanded that for 1 day then next day same thing I understanded it and he done 9 lvls at night then today came and I said why can't u more bro he said I'm done with u take ur refund I said pls continue bcuz u wasted my bond time now I gotta hire Somone else and waste more he wouldn't so I said ok give me refund I got o go soon and h wouldn't give me the refund and he flipped out and wouldn't give it directly which is childish for a person with 450fb and supposed to be the top service provider which he isn't I wouldn't reccomend trading with this individual he is very violent

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He wasted my bond time and almost made me had to wait for me to get refund bcuz he wouldn't give me it personally which is very very childish imo

That's the good thing about free will. You can choose who to give your money to and who to do business with.

You chose him so you can't complain but so much. Just know what to do next time.


Same thing goes for being scammed. If you trust the guy enough to give him your money, it's your fault you got scammed, no matter how sad it may be.


But just get your money and move on. That's life.

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