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Functional interfaces examples (Function, Consumer, Predicate, Supplier, etc....)


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"Functional interfaces provide target types for lambda expressions and method references."




In order to further my functional programming adventures I wrote a couple of (arbitrary and overly simplified) examples for almost every interface from java.util.function.


Hope these help you understand / recognize the package in question a bit more. 

package org.dreamstream.sandbox.example.function;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.*;

public class FunctionPackageExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		 * Predicate
		 * Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one or two arguments.
		final Predicate<String> IS_EMPTY = s -> s.isEmpty();
		System.out.println(IS_EMPTY.test("")); // = true
		final BiPredicate<String, String> ARE_EQUAL = (s1, s2) -> s1.equals(s2);	
		System.out.println(ARE_EQUAL.test("Test1", "Test2")); // = false
		final IntPredicate IS_EVEN = i -> i % 2 == 0;
		System.out.println(IS_EVEN.test(2)); // = true
		final LongPredicate	CAN_TRUNCATE_TO_INT = l -> l >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && l <= Integer.MAX_VALUE ;
		System.out.println(CAN_TRUNCATE_TO_INT.test(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1l)); // = false
		final DoublePredicate IS_CLOSE_TO_ZERO = d -> Math.abs(d) < 2 * Double.MIN_VALUE;
		System.out.println(IS_CLOSE_TO_ZERO.test(0.0)); // = true
		 * Function
		 * Represents a function that accepts one or two arguments and produces a result.
		Function<String, Integer> CAST = s -> Integer.parseInt(s);
		System.out.println(CAST.apply("1") + 2); // = 3
		BiFunction<Integer, Integer, String> SUM_TO_STRING = (i1, i2) -> Integer.toString(i1 + i2);
		System.out.println(SUM_TO_STRING.apply(5, 10) + "Hi"); // = 15Hi
		IntFunction<Double> AS_DOUBLE = i -> i * 1d;
		System.out.println(AS_DOUBLE.apply(1)); // = 1.0
		LongFunction<Integer> AS_INTEGER = l -> (int)l;
		System.out.println(AS_INTEGER.apply(Long.MAX_VALUE)); // = -1
		DoubleFunction<Integer> DOUBLE_AS_INTEGER = d -> (int)d;
		System.out.println(DOUBLE_AS_INTEGER.apply(2.5)); // = 2
		 * Consumer
		 * Represents an operation that accepts one or two input arguments and returns no result.
		final Consumer<String> PRINT = s -> System.out.println(s);
		PRINT.accept("Yes / No"); // = "Yes / No"
		final BiConsumer<String, Integer> PRINT_STRING_AND_INTEGER = (s, i) -> System.out.println("String: " + s + " Ingeger: " + i);
		PRINT_STRING_AND_INTEGER.accept("Test", 3); // = "String: Test Ingeger: 3"
		final IntConsumer PRINT_I = i -> System.out.println(i);
		PRINT_I.accept(3); // = 3
		final LongConsumer PRINT_L = l -> System.out.println(l);
		PRINT_L.accept(2); // = 2
		final DoubleConsumer PRINT_D = d -> System.out.println(d);
		PRINT_D.accept(2.5); // = 2.5
		final ObjIntConsumer<String> PRINT_I_S = (s, i) -> System.out.println(s + " " + i);
		PRINT_I_S.accept("A", 1); // = "A 1"
		final ObjLongConsumer<String> PRINT_L_S = (s, l) -> System.out.println(s + " " + l);
		PRINT_L_S.accept("B", 2); // = "B 2"
		final ObjDoubleConsumer<String> PRINT_D_S = (s, d) -> System.out.println(s + " " + d);
		PRINT_D_S.accept("C", 2.5); // = "C 2.5"
		 * Supplier
		 * Represents a supplier of results of a specific type.
		final Supplier<Double> SUPPLY_RANDOM = () -> Math.random();	
		System.out.println(SUPPLY_RANDOM.get()); // =  A double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0
		final BooleanSupplier SUPPLY_TRUE = () -> true;
		System.out.println(SUPPLY_TRUE.getAsBoolean()); // = true
		final IntSupplier SUPPLY_EVEN = () -> new Random().nextInt() & -2;
		System.out.println(SUPPLY_EVEN.getAsInt()); //  = An even int value
		final LongSupplier SUPPLY_ZERO = () -> 0;
		System.out.println(SUPPLY_ZERO.getAsLong()); // = 0
		final DoubleSupplier SUPPLY_MIN = () -> Double.MIN_VALUE;
		System.out.println(SUPPLY_MIN.getAsDouble()); // = 4.9E-324
		 * ToNumber
		 * Represents functions that accept one or two two arguments and produces a value of a number-type.
		final ToIntFunction<String> CHARACTER_COUNT = s -> s.length();
		System.out.println(CHARACTER_COUNT.applyAsInt("Five5")); // = 5
		final ToIntBiFunction<String, String> SUM_CHARACTER_COUNT = (s1, s2) -> s1.length() + s2.length();
		System.out.println(SUM_CHARACTER_COUNT.applyAsInt("AB", "C")); // = 3
		final ToLongFunction<String> THOUSAND_TIMES_CHARACTER_COUNT = s -> s.toCharArray().length * 1000l;
		System.out.println(THOUSAND_TIMES_CHARACTER_COUNT.applyAsLong("Five5")); // = 5000
		final ToLongBiFunction<Long, String> SUM = (l, s) -> l + Integer.parseInt(s);
		System.out.println(SUM.applyAsLong(300l, "1")); // = 301
		final ToDoubleFunction<String> HALF_CHARACTER_COUNT = s -> s.length() / 2d;
		System.out.println(HALF_CHARACTER_COUNT.applyAsDouble("One")); // = 1.5
		final ToDoubleBiFunction<String, String>  AVERAGE_CHARACTER_COUNT = (s1, s2) -> (s1.length() + s2.length()) / 2d;
		System.out.println(AVERAGE_CHARACTER_COUNT.applyAsDouble("One", "Five")); // = 3.5
		 * Operator
		 * Represents an operation on one or two operands of the same type, producing a result of the same type as the operand(s).
		final UnaryOperator<String> REVERSE = s -> new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString();
		System.out.println(REVERSE.apply("test")); // = "tset"
		final BinaryOperator<String> CONCAT = (s1, s2) -> s1.concat(s2);
		System.out.println(CONCAT.apply("Hello, ", "World!")); // = "Hello, World!"
		final IntUnaryOperator DOUBLE = i -> i * 2;
		System.out.println(DOUBLE.applyAsInt(5)); // = 10
		final IntBinaryOperator INTEGER_SUM = (i1, i2) -> i1 + i2;
		System.out.println(INTEGER_SUM.applyAsInt(9, 3)); // = 12
		final LongUnaryOperator NEGATE = l -> -l;
		System.out.println(NEGATE.applyAsLong(1)); // = -1
		final LongBinaryOperator DIFFERENCE = (l1, l2) -> l1 - l2;
		System.out.println(DIFFERENCE.applyAsLong(1, 3)); // = -2
		final DoubleUnaryOperator HALF = d -> d / 2;
		System.out.println(HALF.applyAsDouble(5)); // = 2.5
		final DoubleBinaryOperator AVERAGE = (d1, d2) -> (d1 + d2) / 2;
		System.out.println(AVERAGE.applyAsDouble(1.0, 2.0)); // = 1.5

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Interedasting. Read a lot about this, but haven't really ever had the need to use them.

		final IntConsumer PRINT_I = i -> System.out.println(i);
		PRINT_I.accept(3); // = 3
		final LongConsumer PRINT_L = l -> System.out.println(l);
		PRINT_L.accept(2); // = 2
		final DoubleConsumer PRINT_D = d -> System.out.println(d);
		PRINT_D.accept(2.5); // = 2.5

I reckon these could also be written as

		final IntConsumer PRINT_I = System.out::println;
		PRINT_I.accept(3); // = 3
		final LongConsumer PRINT_L = System.out::println;
		PRINT_L.accept(2); // = 2
		final DoubleConsumer PRINT_D = System.out::println;
		PRINT_D.accept(2.5); // = 2.5

For the same effect.

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Interedasting. Read a lot about this, but haven't really ever had the need to use them.

		final IntConsumer PRINT_I = i -> System.out.println(i);
		PRINT_I.accept(3); // = 3
		final LongConsumer PRINT_L = l -> System.out.println(l);
		PRINT_L.accept(2); // = 2
		final DoubleConsumer PRINT_D = d -> System.out.println(d);
		PRINT_D.accept(2.5); // = 2.5

I reckon these could also be written as

		final IntConsumer PRINT_I = System.out::println;
		PRINT_I.accept(3); // = 3
		final LongConsumer PRINT_L = System.out::println;
		PRINT_L.accept(2); // = 2
		final DoubleConsumer PRINT_D = System.out::println;
		PRINT_D.accept(2.5); // = 2.5

For the same effect.


Shame on me sensei but I have not yet read up on method references.

It's on my TODO list for next week though :boge:

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