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Perfect Agility AIO


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Thanks for this script - you've got me full graceful and 60 agility. 

I'm not on Canifis course.... one thing that I think looks a bit bot like is that the script pauses for about 2 seconds after completing gap 3, before clicking on gap 4. This happens every single time I've seen. There is no mouse movement, just a routine & regular delay in moving on to the next obstacle.

I wonder if this could also be altered in the next update, along with the addition of alching support?

Can I make a suggestion for alching support too? I tend to try and make a profit whilst alching, and tend to buy more of slightly more expensive items e.g. black, red , blue & green d'hide bodies. Could you add multiple item alching? So it would alch all of one noted item, then move and start alching on the next item?

One further / final question is whether there could be a camelot/Seers teleport option added for the seers rooftop course? This is less of a priority to me though.

Many thanks again for all your scripts, I own 4 written by you, and they are all worth it so far.

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I will make some tweaks for Canifis to remove the delays. As for alching it is almost complete I need to test every single course with alching mode before I attempt to post on the SDN I don't want to risk any bugs. As for seers teleport it is added although there is no option for it, the script will just use teleports if available and continue the course as usual ^^ :D

As for multiple alching I can easily modify the code to get the next best item, so the user can input item names separated by a comma ',' and it will be fine ^^ :D

Activated trials gl guys :D

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Make the level space click/click on it random please. Anything for anti-ban is always good as it's what makes any script better then a different one. Mostly just bug free and a good random pattern. 

Make it able to choose the delay upon leveling up to click on it/space, or make it very small like (1-2s) (1-3s( -0.5-1.5s) ect

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