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Perfect Agility AIO


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Just purchased it since I need agility levels asap,  occasional bug when ready click is on so I just run it w/o it  and it seems fine (mostly just spinning screen 360 / going back and fourth for a min or so then corrects itself(( ran it on correct zoom and fixed ofc)) Seers tele still clicks on map first before each time so IDK maybe I should just do polvinich, any plans in the future to patch this so it teles when finished the coarse instead of prioritizing regular route only to correct itself after it puts the input in? No pressure, I know your busy, cheers !


EDIT: The small performance issue happend on varrock coarse btw on a throwaway account, IDK how often it did it since wasn't baby sitting but I came back to it doing it for 30 seconds at least then it corrected itself, think it was looking for next obstacle? xp/h was still inear thel range it should have been and It ran 45 min with me being afk so I don't think its all that much of an issue. Still the best agility script on the market !

Edited by Anony Mous
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On 7/15/2017 at 5:15 PM, loked said:

Guys, I keep getting banned when I try to bot agility.

I think I might have overdone it a bit in one account, but do you guys have any tips? Places to avoid training at and such?


Well your VIP so thats a good start, I personally don't go over 2 hours for skills like this, EVER, infact I never bot more then 2 hours on my accounts unless its by mistake. Don't use ready click ATM regular mode seems smoother, use anti-pattern. Breaking about every hour for 5-15 minutes won't hurt. I also need to say because so many seem to do this, just because you played legit on the account for 4 hours doesn't mean you can then bot for 2 hours. I typically like to put breakers even between natural playing and botting. (I am assuming your using this script, free scripts are pretty much only good for suiciding IMO, stick w/ Czar or someone else for your bots, probably best to stick w/ czar tho :P )


Maybe I am way to nervous or cautious but it pays off since no bans so far. GL happy botting.

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6 hours ago, Anony Mous said:

Well your VIP so thats a good start, I personally don't go over 2 hours for skills like this, EVER, infact I never bot more then 2 hours on my accounts unless its by mistake. Don't use ready click ATM regular mode seems smoother, use anti-pattern. Breaking about every hour for 5-15 minutes won't hurt. I also need to say because so many seem to do this, just because you played legit on the account for 4 hours doesn't mean you can then bot for 2 hours. I typically like to put breakers even between natural playing and botting. (I am assuming your using this script, free scripts are pretty much only good for suiciding IMO, stick w/ Czar or someone else for your bots, probably best to stick w/ czar tho :P )


Maybe I am way to nervous or cautious but it pays off since no bans so far. GL happy botting.

Thanks a lot for the imput. I used to bot in ~2010 so I'm not used to these limits lol. I botted 48 hours sessions with no problem back then. I'll try out your suggestion (tho it pains me lol). Thanks for the advice!

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