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So basically I have recently started to write scripts (yesterday).

I have implemented the Node system and I wonder how I can 


while something is finished.

Let's say that I am chopping down a tree, how can I stop it from clicking while I am chopping?


Here is a preview of my code:


@ScriptManifest(author = "Ruzi", info = "WoodCutting", name = "WoodCutting", version = 1, logo = "")
public class Main extends Script {

    private final int DELAY = 100;
    private List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();

    public void onStart() {
        Area treeArea = new Area(3086, 3275, 3074, 3263);
        WalkToTreeArea walkToTreeArea = new WalkToTreeArea(this, treeArea);
        ChopDown chopDown = new ChopDown(this, treeArea);

    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
        nodes.forEach(node -> {
        return DELAY;

    public void onExit() {

public class ChopDown implements Node {

    private final int TREE_ID = 1276;
    private Script script;
    private Area treeArea;
    private Player player;
    private RS2Object tree;

    public ChopDown(Script script, Area treeArea) {
        this.script = script;
        this.treeArea = treeArea;
        this.player = script.myPlayer();

        public void execute() {

    private void chopDown() {
        tree = script.getObjects().closest(TREE_ID);

        if(tree != null){
            tree.interact("Chop down");

    public boolean validate() {
        return !inventoryIsFull() && isAtTreeArea(); 

    private boolean inventoryIsFull() {
        return script.getInventory().isFull();

    private boolean isAtTreeArea() {
        return treeArea.contains(player);
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Does this work for banking too?

Thanks guys!

I suppose it does, but I have no idea why would you want to check that, just do:

    //if closed open bank
    //if open do banking, take stuff, deposit stuff.
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I suppose it does, but I have no idea why would you want to check that, just do:

    //if closed open bank
    //if open do banking, take stuff, deposit stuff.


It seems that I have to catch the exception:


   try {
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
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