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Ovela reporting on VersaceGod (Scam report)


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Disputed member: VersaceGod


Thread Link: No thread

Explanation: I met him throught the chatbox, and he was looking to buy new lvl 3 accounts. Since I had some lvl 3 accounts which I did not need, I thought I could sell them. I contacted him and he offered first to buy 3 accounts for 450k (150k each). I sold him first account and noticed that in order to change my password (I had 20 accounts with same password) I would need to add the email. So added my junk email for the first account and gave him the info. He gave me 100k and said because of the email I put, later we did change it to his email and then he was supposed to give 50k. Instead he gave me 1k + 2k worth of shrimps. I thought he wasn't serious and he wanted to buy my second account so I expected to get 150k, but in return he ignored me and didn't reply to my messages. I asked him to PM me if he had like Internet problem or something but he still haven't contacted me. He got my 2 accounts what he asked for + they have his email and he changed passwords.


I Know that 150-200k isn't that much but if this guy is ready to scam someone for this little amount of cash. He surely will scam a higher amount of cash in the future. I hope he could contact me and pay the rest of the money.



Evidence: Hidden


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Alright so I added this guy on RS, switched to his world and saw him spamming "Doubling money legit". I approached him by the PM and this is how it went. A

(Red arrows are his response)



It seems that it's not only 1 person as he says in the PM "Like I said tomorrow we will pay you". I explained to him that his TWC will be removed when pays the 200k.


Only thing I don't understand is that this guy has a Robin hood hat (2.4m) and may also had fury (3m) and he still can afford to double people's money, yet he struggles to pay 200k...

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Alright so I added this guy on RS, switched to his world and saw him spamming "Doubling money legit". I approached him by the PM and this is how it went. A

(Red arrows are his response)



It seems that it's not only 1 person as he says in the PM "Like I said tomorrow we will pay you". I explained to him that his TWC will be removed when pays the 200k.


Only thing I don't understand is that this guy has a Robin hood hat (2.4m) and may also had fury (3m) and he still can afford to double people's money, yet he struggles to pay 200k...


Yeah, its my friend. He's stupid, if you're online right now message him and I'll give him a call.

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