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jagex fucked up


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Um no since this has happen to me once way back so clearly they can link accounts and if you look at my picture above you can see mod weath saying it is possible...

In which case all the accounts would be banned, not the one he claims he played legit on. They detect a bot, ban it, look at other accounts, and ban those too. They don't look at legit accounts and go like "hey, I wonder if this guys has any alts that he botted on when this account is perfectly legit."

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Um no since this has happen to me once way back so clearly they can link accounts and if you look at my picture above you can see mod weath saying it is possible...

They ban your macro accounts and give you a rwt ban if they find connections between your accounts, they don't just land you with a botting ban after not botting lol.

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In which case all the accounts would be banned, not the one he claims he played legit on. They detect a bot, ban it, look at other accounts, and ban those too. They don't look at legit accounts and go like "hey, I wonder if this guys has any alts that he botted on when this account is perfectly legit."


true but if he is trading over money from his bot to his main they will ban a perfectly legit acc

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true but if he is trading over money from his bot to his main they will ban a perfectly legit acc

Muling isn't perfectly legit.

Do they connect the two accounts if they find other accounts logged in at the same time under the same IP? If that were the case then everyone who plays in my dorm is gonna get banned lol. 

Nah, they don't only use IP. 

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Muling isn't perfectly legit.

Nah, they don't only use IP. 

Then that means that they can see who you have traded with (interacted with) and look to see if who you traded with was using the same IP. Meaning that drop trading is much safer than multilog trading with the OS client and Firefox or some other client. 

MEANING that Jagex literally has no idea how to detect multilogs or bots and is on a massive witch hunt to stop all "suspected" bots. 

That's the only way I can think of how Jagex can ban legit accounts. 

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