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Shudsy's Orber


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My trial has expired now so I couldn't tell you. No offense dude but I hope you understand why I'm not planning on buying. I got like 300 done, and the rest of the time i was trying to figure out how to get him unstuck from the bank.


Except the error you received didn't have anything to do with the script. When OSbot decides to remove methods overnight without notifying the scripters, shit gets broken and we have no clue about it until someone tells us in the script threads. Everything worked fine until method removals occured overnight a few days ago, which broke shit.


It's kind of weird how no one else but you tells me it's an error with the script. I have people buying all the time, and if they bought it and it didn't work, surely they would tell me?

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I just purchased your script but I'm also having issues with the bot. It unfortunately did one inventory of orbs, then it just sits in the bank.


It claims to be walking to the spot, but does not move at all. I'm attaching a screenshot of the log's beginning and end. It looks like a null pointer exception is causing the error. Ensure you're not looking for too many elements, that you're not looping through and beyond an array's size, et cetera.


Please respond letting me know when you've fixed the issue. I'd really like to use my bot. smile.png



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I just purchased your script but I'm also having issues with the bot. It unfortunately did one inventory of orbs, then it just sits in the bank.


It claims to be walking to the spot, but does not move at all. I'm attaching a screenshot of the log's beginning and end. It looks like a null pointer exception is causing the error. Ensure you're not looking for too many elements, that you're not looping through and beyond an array's size, et cetera.


Please respond letting me know when you've fixed the issue. I'd really like to use my bot. smile.png


Thats a NPE in the food thingy. Are you sure you have 5 or more of the food you provided in the GUI when starting the script? Lobster/trout etc. The null is caused by you not having the food you selected in the GUI.


The Walking part should be interrupted if you have less than 50% HP. Did you also try to start the script with low hp?


EDIT: Pushed a fix to the NPE error. Logs out if you're out of food instead of giving NPE. Made another check to the webwalker interruption.

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