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Price check main :)


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Ty bro


He might not be selling it here, he might just want to get opinions on how much its worth. Just give your honest evaluation of the account without counting his twc or feedback.

Ty i didn't even need to say something to him haha you did it for me ty bro :)


with your twc and fb it will be hard. id say around 30m

Lol people stay typeing about how much feedback and twc i got lol i did ask for the price not how much fb i have or if i am under TWC ;) Count 

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Around 50M



you asked for a pricecheck and i gave you one

Yeah but not for a price when i got twc on. I may sell it on pa? Doesn't care about you stop trying to get post count. 


If I were wanting to buy it, i'd take it for 50m, probs not much more though.



id say 40-60m cos non combat skills are really low



40-50M just because of the 72 slayer.

Could be a wyvern farmer.



72slay ohmy.png





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