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12 year old cousin birthday gift


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Hey :)

My cousin (he's 12) birthday is in 6 days ( will be turning 13 soon) and he's been begging his parents for an PS4.

I've talked it over with my aunt ( his mom) and he has 2 choices a PS4 or a low end "Gaming pc" that he can upgrade by him self as he gets older.


I'm thinking of building him a pc instead of a ps4 and here are the specs.



It's that or i'll buy him an premade pc from the store or a ps4.



Personally i'd like to buy him a pc ( he's never had a gaming console before or a pc, he uses his mom's laptop for youtube)
Yet i feel the PS4 is alot more child friendly.

Can i please have your guy's opinions?


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let him fuckin work for it or he'll be a spoiled brat. mommm plssss can i get ps4 sure here you go. emote32342.png


i got my pc when i was 15 and i was delivering newspapers to fund it

Sorry my aunt is financially stable and would like to buy something for her kid.

wish I had a pc when I was 12..

When you were 12 pc's probably weren't easily accessible and much more expensive.

It's 2016 tech is everywhere.

and 12 is a great age to introduce kids to things they could potentially enjoy.

let his parents buy him that stuff lol

True, I'd like to help out though.

That's why we're talking it over and trying to get more opinions before actually buying something.

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Sorry my aunt is financially stable and would like to buy something for her kid.

When you were 12 pc's probably weren't easily accessible and much more expensive.

It's 2016 tech is everywhere.

and 12 is a great age to introduce kids to things they could potentially enjoy.

True, I'd like to help out though.

That's why we're talking it over and trying to get more opinions before actually buying something.



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