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Getting stuck at waterfall quest. Keeps banking over and over again. 100% fail rate so far


[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:55:58 PM]: position: [x=2536, y=3573, z=0]; next: Waterfall Quest; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:55:58 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true true 3 4 4 14
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:55:58 PM]: running quest: Waterfall Quest; current stage: 3
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:55:58 PM]: missing games necklace
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:55:58 PM]: getting setup 2
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:55:58 PM]: getting stamina potions
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:55:58 PM]: withdrawing item: 2 Stamina potion(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:02 PM]: withdrawal succeeded
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:02 PM]: caching bank
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:03 PM]: position: [x=2536, y=3573, z=0]; next: Waterfall Quest; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:03 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true true 3 4 4 14
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:03 PM]: running quest: Waterfall Quest; current stage: 3
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:03 PM]: inventory contains forbidden items
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:03 PM]: getting setup 2
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:03 PM]: depositing forbidden items
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:03 PM]: depositing inventory
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:04 PM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:04 PM]: caching bank
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 03:56:05 PM]: position: [x=2536, y=3573, z=0]; next: Waterfall Quest; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false


Tree gnome village, stuck at tracker 2. Keeps talking again and again. Worked fine on another account


[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:06 PM]: running quest: Tree Gnome Village; current stage: 4
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:06 PM]: trackers: 1
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:06 PM]: entering prison
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:06 PM]: walking to position [x=2524, y=3255, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:07 PM]: destination: [x=2524, y=3255, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:11 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:11 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: position: [x=2523, y=3255, z=0]; next: Tree Gnome Village; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true true 5 8 7 11
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: running quest: Tree Gnome Village; current stage: 4
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: trackers: 1
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: entering prison
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: walking to position [x=2524, y=3255, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: destination: [x=2524, y=3255, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:13 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:15 PM]: position: [x=2524, y=3255, z=0]; next: Tree Gnome Village; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:15 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true true 5 8 7 11
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:15 PM]: running quest: Tree Gnome Village; current stage: 4
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:15 PM]: trackers: 1
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:15 PM]: Talking to tracker 2
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:28 PM]: position: [x=2524, y=3255, z=0]; next: Tree Gnome Village; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:28 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true true 5 8 7 11
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:28 PM]: running quest: Tree Gnome Village; current stage: 4
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:28 PM]: trackers: 1
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:28 PM]: Talking to tracker 2
[INFO][Bot #1][11/16 04:35:41 PM]: position: [x=2524, y=3255, z=0]; next: Tree Gnome Village; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false


Gets stuck on Witch house after defeating last monster. Worked fine on another account


O][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:46 PM]: [DEBUG][FIGHTING] Autocasting monster: Witch's experiment (third form)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:47 PM]: position: [x=2936, y=3459, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 4; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:47 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true true 2 5 4 10
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:47 PM]: running quest: Witchs House; current stage: 6
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:48 PM]: fighting experiment: Witch's experiment (third form);
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:48 PM]: [DEBUG][FIGHTING] Autocasting monster: Witch's experiment (third form)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:50 PM]: position: [x=2936, y=3459, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 4; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:50 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true true 2 5 4 10
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:50 PM]: running quest: Witchs House; current stage: 6
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:51 PM]: fighting experiment: Witch's experiment (third form);
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:51 PM]: [DEBUG][FIGHTING] Autocasting monster: Witch's experiment (third form)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:53 PM]: position: [x=2936, y=3459, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 4; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:53 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true true 2 5 4 10
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:53 PM]: running quest: Witchs House; current stage: 6
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:54 PM]: sleep interrupted
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:54 PM]: fighting experiment: Witch's experiment (third form);
[INFO][Bot #1][11/17 12:52:54 PM]: [DEBUG][FIGHTING] Autocasting monster: Witch's experiment (third form)


Edited by Noob1337
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1 hour ago, rsafadi said:

beautyfil script as ususal 


does it auto auto check to make sure you your meet all requirements before starting a quest ?

I think yes for quest and level requirements

for required items they will be bought from GE before starting the quests

Edited by Slick
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can we  make it take 3 dose pots instead of alwys looking for 4 dose , since 4 dose pots like antidott++ are impossible to buy on FSW

and also make it use standard spell book for some basic teleports as an option ?

one more thing to add regicide quest fails , got stuck in underground pass just an fyi 

just suggestions but all good otherwise 

Edited by rsafadi
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[INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:13:28 PM]: checking extra conditions: false true false 60 0 61 14
[INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:13:28 PM]: running quest: Regicide; current stage: 11
[INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:13:28 PM]: preparing gear #1
[INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:13:28 PM]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key 1
	at java.util.stream.Collectors.lambda$throwingMerger$0(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.HashMap.merge(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.stream.Collectors.lambda$toMap$58(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$3ReducingSink.accept(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.collect(Unknown Source)
	at s.l.G(ia:1004)
	at s.l.C(ia:1255)
	at s.Ja.E(ia:731)
	at s.Aux.G(s:697)
	at s.Aux.E(s:89)
	at s.XB.E(na:211)
	at q.nUl.E(ic:827)
	at q.nUl.H(ic:297)
	at l.nUl.onLoop(lc:517)
	at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(if:175)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Just got this on regicide lol now i dont wanna unpause the script and not be able to have it finish xD

  • Sad 1
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On 11/16/2022 at 5:00 PM, Noob1337 said:

Getting stuck at waterfall quest. Keeps banking over and over again. 100% fail rate so far

  Reveal hidden contents


Tree gnome village, stuck at tracker 2. Keeps talking again and again. Worked fine on another account

  Reveal hidden contents


Gets stuck on Witch house after defeating last monster. Worked fine on another account

  Reveal hidden contents


I think it should be working now, sorry for the delay

On 11/17/2022 at 6:23 PM, rsafadi said:

beautyfil script as ususal 


does it auto auto check to make sure you your meet all requirements before starting a quest ?


On 11/17/2022 at 7:55 PM, rsafadi said:

can we  make it take 3 dose pots instead of alwys looking for 4 dose , since 4 dose pots like antidott++ are impossible to buy on FSW

and also make it use standard spell book for some basic teleports as an option ?

one more thing to add regicide quest fails , got stuck in underground pass just an fyi 

just suggestions but all good otherwise 

Might add an option to decant the potions into 4 dose, but switching from 4 to 3 dose during the quests would cause lots of conflicts, which is also the problem with teleports with runes instead of tabs, but could make an extra mode with limited support for quests where I know it would work

On 11/24/2022 at 6:38 PM, Ibot4bonds said:

the corsair curse quest broken when trying to talk to the captain in the boat halfway through the quest

I've ran the quest and noticed it got stuck upstairs and couldn't climb down, I'm not sure if that's the same issue, but I've pushed an update for it

On 11/24/2022 at 7:12 PM, SamiSyco512 said:

Hello Sir This Is A Really Nice Script. I used it its osm 🥰

Can You Add More quests

Song of the Elves

Morning end part 1&2

Roving elves

Important- Sheep herder i will be thankful please🙂

Well those are some quite difficult quests lol

Maybe Sheep Herder, I wrote a part of that long time ago but never finished it

On 11/24/2022 at 7:35 PM, zhang100jia said:

hi, can i please have a trial 

I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials :feels: 

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