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Bug found. I was running Rune mystery's on HC im. It got to taking the notes to sedridor and it must have dropped the notes somewhere cos it was clicking on him without the notes. (Good bye account) I checked quest log and it says I had to take notes to him. 


edit: Found notes in the bank. It must have put them in there

Edited by ZeVo
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13 hours ago, ZeVo said:

Bug found. I was running Rune mystery's on HC im. It got to taking the notes to sedridor and it must have dropped the notes somewhere cos it was clicking on him without the notes. (Good bye account) I checked quest log and it says I had to take notes to him. 


edit: Found notes in the bank. It must have put them in there

Did you start or restart the script after the quest was started?

9 hours ago, tommylasagna said:

Token, will this run on an ironman if all required items are present in the bank

Only if you have all items required by the script (not just the quest) including teleport tabs and enchanted jewelry, but you can run in debug mode with all items in inventory or in iron man mode where it automatically gathers item for a few supported quests

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14 hours ago, yeppersitsme said:

Are you working on any new quests at the moment?

Bone Voyage

13 hours ago, labelme said:

I tried using bot manager with it


That skips the GUI part and runs the preset that you selected via parameters, you should start it manually if you want to configure it manually via the GUI

1 hour ago, xhannyah said:

I found a small bug.

During the Maze part of the Dragon Slayer quest, and when using a range setup, the character forgets to re-equip the ammo, causing it to try to attack the rat over and over.

Does it have to take off the ammo during the quest?

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On 3/7/2021 at 5:06 PM, Token said:

Bone Voyage

That skips the GUI part and runs the preset that you selected via parameters, you should start it manually if you want to configure it manually via the GUI

Does it have to take off the ammo during the quest?

I'm not sure. It's the second time I encounter this, but I wasn't paying attention to the previous part of the quest. When it gets to the maze it doesn't have the ammo on the inventory, so maybe at some point it deposits everything and re-draws required items for the next part. 

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20 hours ago, xhannyah said:

I'm not sure. It's the second time I encounter this, but I wasn't paying attention to the previous part of the quest. When it gets to the maze it doesn't have the ammo on the inventory, so maybe at some point it deposits everything and re-draws required items for the next part. 

Did you equip the ammo when you pressed load worn equipment? What weapon/ammo were you using?

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