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Stealth Quester


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Big chompy bird hunting brought to little arrows the first time so i had to go pick em up off the floor :P

I'll add more arrows to that.


well i just finished off all the quests that the bot had to offer, it handled most of them just fine in mirror mode. but a few did require stealth. overall im extremely satisfied with this script! i cant wait for more quests to be added to the list! haha 5/5 stars

Thanks for the feedback :)

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Hey man, some reason osbot is screwing up on my IMac. What newly added quests have you added and pls may i have a trial biggrin.png!?

Authed :doge:


They are not live yet because we are having some issues so I delayed the update a bit. A new OSBot client version is in development right now that only includes bug fixes.

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Fair enough, spoiler on what quests wink.png?

RFD Evil Dave Subquest

The Golem

Shadow of the Storm

Demon Slayer

After a few discussions I have decided to split the update into two parts as it requires a few client side bug fixes which will be included in next OSBot client version. The Demon Slayer quest should be up within a few hours but the other 3 will come together with the new stable client in a few days. OSBot 2.4.60 is being tested right now and most likely 2.4.61 will be released as a stable version which will support the new quests.

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