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Stealth Quester


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18 hours ago, Token said:

Bank tabs are not supported, there's also another few restrictions all mentioned on the thread

Authed :doge:

Authed :doge:

Authed :doge:

Authed :doge:

Authed :doge:

Authed :doge:

hi would it be possible to get my trial extended a tiny bit i just realised it was authed and i wont be subbed till tommorow so the trial will be up u can check i havent used the script 

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On 11/16/2017 at 6:02 PM, imagineags said:

Can I get a trial please

Authed :doge:

On 11/16/2017 at 7:53 PM, wormtail39 said:

hi would it be possible to get my trial extended a tiny bit i just realised it was authed and i wont be subbed till tommorow so the trial will be up u can check i havent used the script 

I'm afraid any auth rules are 100% strict without exceptions, that's why I offer 24 hour auths so people always get to run it, and it will keep running even if the auth expires

On 11/16/2017 at 7:54 PM, EyezAllRed said:

I just payed 40m gp, still waiting for auth.

Authed :doge:

Who did you pay 40m and for what?

On 11/16/2017 at 8:20 PM, habshi said:

hey! can i get a trial please??

It says you had one on 2017/07/08

22 hours ago, littlesick said:

i would like to test this script too :)


Authed :doge:

6 hours ago, emelie said:

trial please!

It says you had one on 2017/04/16 

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7 hours ago, Token said:

Authed :doge:

I'm afraid any auth rules are 100% strict without exceptions, that's why I offer 24 hour auths so people always get to run it, and it will keep running even if the auth expires

Authed :doge:

Who did you pay 40m and for what?

It says you had one on 2017/07/08

Authed :doge:

It says you had one on 2017/04/16 

already bought it.

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When starting a list of quests with gold in inventory it opens bank deposits all, inventory and gear, then opens buy GE window, closes due to no gold, opens bank, withdraws gold, then closes bank, then opens bank deposits all, then closes then opens ge window, then closes due to no gold. then get message for not enough gold.

start script again, pause after the first deposit all, withdraw gold, open ge window, unpause and it buys everything needed.

Other then that all good

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15 hours ago, imagineags said:

How long is the auth 

24 hours

11 hours ago, EyezAllRed said:

Just purchased via paypal, awaiting auth :)

Sales are handled by OSBot and processed as soon as PayPal processes payments, auths are for trials

24 minutes ago, xcendrox said:

When starting a list of quests with gold in inventory it opens bank deposits all, inventory and gear, then opens buy GE window, closes due to no gold, opens bank, withdraws gold, then closes bank, then opens bank deposits all, then closes then opens ge window, then closes due to no gold. then get message for not enough gold.

start script again, pause after the first deposit all, withdraw gold, open ge window, unpause and it buys everything needed.

Other then that all good

Giving it more gold should do the trick

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