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Stealth Quester


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10 hours ago, Token said:

It's secret for now :doge: 

Is it possible to carry on the quest where the bot left off after dc? - For example the bot got half way through the shadow of the storm quest, after the chanting it dc'ed and the bot finished, now everytime i start the bot with the quest it runs to the GE and just doesnt move.

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8 hours ago, 0wne2dk1ll said:

Is it possible to carry on the quest where the bot left off after dc? - For example the bot got half way through the shadow of the storm quest, after the chanting it dc'ed and the bot finished, now everytime i start the bot with the quest it runs to the GE and just doesnt move.


the bot is unable to complete quests that are already started, :/ even if the bot is the one to start them.

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11 hours ago, LimitedTime66 said:

Any way you can have the script fix itself when it gets the bank withdrawal error instead of ending itself? All it would need to do is click somewhere on the mini map or simply hit the (x) on the interface.  For example, when doing waterfall, the bot can mistakenly click on the notice board in the barbarian outpost or another notice in fally bank.  It gets irritating when this happens across 10 accounts and I have to finish the quests by hand since the script can't pick up where it messed up. 

This has never been reported before, are you using mirror mode/low cpu mode?

10 hours ago, 0wne2dk1ll said:

Is it possible to carry on the quest where the bot left off after dc? - For example the bot got half way through the shadow of the storm quest, after the chanting it dc'ed and the bot finished, now everytime i start the bot with the quest it runs to the GE and just doesnt move.

Depends on quest, some of them yes, debug mode is used for that, but won't work in any situation and in almost all cases this won't work if you move the bot from where the script stopped 

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1 hour ago, Token said:

What exactly did it buy?

Well it bought items I needed for quest right, but it put offers in for hillarious prices, for example bones 1k each etc.. so me, having a 400k cashstack, was bankrupt way before I even had 25% of the items and had to restart the script about 10 times to finish the buying process. Anyways, I worked around it - pause & collect in GE. Worked then :).

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@Token Hello, i recently purchased your script thinking i could create a new account, run the 7QP script as soon as its done with Tut Island, and do something like HarryPotters "7QP" Script where it picks up the items and does the 3 quests for you. When i run the 7QP it just goes to GE and withdraws/Deposits money over and over again. Can i not run this on fresh accounts? Was hoping to use this on all my fresh farm accounts so they all have 7qp from the start.. am i doing something wrong or do you have any plans on implementing something like this? 

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16 minutes ago, Kaspr said:

@Token Hello, i recently purchased your script thinking i could create a new account, run the 7QP script as soon as its done with Tut Island, and do something like HarryPotters "7QP" Script where it picks up the items and does the 3 quests for you. When i run the 7QP it just goes to GE and withdraws/Deposits money over and over again. Can i not run this on fresh accounts? Was hoping to use this on all my fresh farm accounts so they all have 7qp from the start.. am i doing something wrong or do you have any plans on implementing something like this? 

It requires coins, it may be added soon as a hidden mode on the GUI as I have received many requests for it

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18 minutes ago, Token said:

It requires coins, it may be added soon as a hidden mode on the GUI as I have received many requests for it

That would be pretty great, since it can be kind of annoying trading gold over to 10 fresh accounts so they can start the 7QP every time! Thank you for the great script none the less.

EDIT: One more question, what is the minimum amount of gold required to have to start the 7QP chain? Was trading over 5k but when started would still withdraw/Deposit GP over and over. 

Edited by Kaspr
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49 minutes ago, Kaspr said:

That would be pretty great, since it can be kind of annoying trading gold over to 10 fresh accounts so they can start the 7QP every time! Thank you for the great script none the less.

EDIT: One more question, what is the minimum amount of gold required to have to start the 7QP chain? Was trading over 5k but when started would still withdraw/Deposit GP over and over. 

The prices are grabbed live from rsbuddy so there is no fixed amount, but I would give it about 100k just to be sure

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58 minutes ago, LimitedTime66 said:

Yea I was using low CPU mode with 10 clients up and realized I should scale it down and not use the option. Thanks! Also as far as the prices go, could you lower the prices at which items are bought? I've verified myself that it puts in a price that is x10 than what RS buddy shows 

That will be added with the new GE algorithm

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