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I highly suggest you don't use the quick select for the mithril gloves, as it uses a default gear profile and has a few small glitches you have a high chance of getting banned.

Instead i suggest you setup your gear profiles etc and use the quest selection menu, rather than the quick select.

I got a few 2 day bans from the quick select.
Also, at the beginning of the fight arena quest, when it TPs to camelot, it pops the tab twice - reproduced it a few times, but didnt bother logging because it just continues on.

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11 hours ago, yeezus10291 said:

script doesnt safespot on shadow of the storm boss :( impossible for low level accounts

It's not supposed to safespot, it uses melee in the default presets and completes other quests for melee stats so it can do it on fresh lvl 3's

6 hours ago, fcknbobfrank said:

I highly suggest you don't use the quick select for the mithril gloves, as it uses a default gear profile and has a few small glitches you have a high chance of getting banned.

Instead i suggest you setup your gear profiles etc and use the quest selection menu, rather than the quick select.

I got a few 2 day bans from the quick select.
Also, at the beginning of the fight arena quest, when it TPs to camelot, it pops the tab twice - reproduced it a few times, but didnt bother logging because it just continues on.

Are you using low cpu mode/mirror mode/anything else other than the default settings?

5 hours ago, Supaturkk said:

This script looks insane!!!! Definitely the coolest one I've seen so far! could I have a trial please?

Authed :doge:

4 hours ago, bRipp3r said:

Version 1.3 (22.05.2016)

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Do you not plan on adding a single quest in over a year ? used your trial and i thank you for that. but i'm debating on purchasing just wondering why not one quest was added in a year lol please respond

Because there are other programming & management concerns that have to be dealt with on the script

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On ‎6‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 6:18 PM, iroll said:

it ran for 4 hours and completed most quests but it willl not start lost city, shadow of storm and eveil dave sub quest and i have all the skill requirements. evertyime i try to run lost city quests it just auto logs out real fast

I am also having the same problem, I do have all required stats seeing as iv'e used this script to fully quest over 10 accounts. This is the first time iv'e had this error it will not do The Golem, Shadow of the storm and Evil dave just as above poster said. This is running it on "all" preset. 

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1 hour ago, xxgruntxx said:

I am also having the same problem, I do have all required stats seeing as iv'e used this script to fully quest over 10 accounts. This is the first time iv'e had this error it will not do The Golem, Shadow of the storm and Evil dave just as above poster said. This is running it on "all" preset. 

Open the logger and check what's printed. If it's "no quests to run" or something similar send me an image of your stats.

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16 hours ago, Token said:

It's not supposed to safespot, it uses melee in the default presets and completes other quests for melee stats so it can do it on fresh lvl 3's

Are you using low cpu mode/mirror mode/anything else other than the default settings?

Authed :doge:

Because there are other programming & management concerns that have to be dealt with on the script

i ran shadow of the storm on a 30/30/30 account and it wasnt able to complete it.

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