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Stealth Quester


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[iNFO][01/11 03:39:38 em]: Started script : Stealth Quester
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:40 em]: [DEBUG] Missing item requirements
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:40 em]: [DEBUG] Rune scimitar 1 0
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:41 em]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:42 em]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:42 em]: [DEBUG][EXCHANGE] 1 x 0 Rune scimitar
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:55 em]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:56 em]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:56 em]: [DEBUG][EXCHANGE] Missing required amount of money
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:57 em]: [DEBUG][bANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Coins
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:57 em]: [DEBUG][bANKING] Bank slot parent is null
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:39:59 em]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:00 em]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:00 em]: [DEBUG][EXCHANGE] 1 x 35629 Rune scimitar
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:09 em]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:10 em]: [DEBUG] Finished buying items
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:11 em]: [DEBUG] Starting stage: 0
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:11 em]: [DEBUG] Starting index: 0
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:11 em]: [DEBUG] Starting eating thread
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:11 em]: [DEBUG] Current quest: WATERFALL_QUEST
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:11 em]: [DEBUG][THREADING] Eating thread started
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:14 em]: [DEBUG][bANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Rune scimitar
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:18 em]: [DEBUG] Current quest: WATERFALL_QUEST
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:27 em]: [DEBUG][bANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Rune scimitar
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:32 em]: [DEBUG] Current quest: WATERFALL_QUEST
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:40 em]: [DEBUG][bANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Rune scimitar
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:40 em]: [DEBUG][bANKING] Failed to find the searched item: Rune scimitar
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:45 em]: [DEBUG] Current quest: WATERFALL_QUEST
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:54 em]: [DEBUG][bANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Rune scimitar
[iNFO][bot #1][01/11 03:40:59 em]: [DEBUG] Current quest: WATERFALL_QUEST
Im fairly certain a rune scim is not a req for waterfall.


It's in your gear preset


This hasn't been updated for 7 months+, any plans to add anything new to it? :)

It's been updated every 2-3 weeks, but I didn't add update logs for bug fixes and improvements


I have a suggestion, add in "sea slug" quest which gives way above 20 fishing. which removes the hassle for players to train fishing. ( faster to do this quest then to get fishing )


Could i get an Auth?

I'll look into it 

Authed :doge:

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@Token hello. I was thinking...if you would change order of quests in NMZ part..that would be more then perfect.

If you leave Loct City last, then u can run NMZ to get max melee xp + some hp for pure, and stop at lost city, as its the only quest that has req's.

Is that possible? Would not need re-run script just to skip lost city.

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Can I get a trial then? I'd love to buy it if it's still being supported but still want to be sure :)

Authed :doge:


@Token hello. I was thinking...if you would change order of quests in NMZ part..that would be more then perfect.

If you leave Loct City last, then u can run NMZ to get max melee xp + some hp for pure, and stop at lost city, as its the only quest that has req's.

Is that possible? Would not need re-run script just to skip lost city.

It already skips Lost City if you don't have the requirements


Can I get a trial? Seems like a worthy script to add to my collection. Well done and keep up the good work bro!

Authed :doge:

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