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Stealth Quester


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trail please?

Authed :doge:


ive used it to complete all quest on 5+ account one was banned. i do about 10 quest at a time usually but the account that was banned i clicked the all preset and left for 4 hours. youre not banned because of this script if you get banned it because you botted wrong.

Create your own quest lists and gear presets and you shouldn't have any issues



F2P/P2P: P2p

Stealth Injection/Mirror Mode: stealth

Melee/Range/Magic: non combat

Quest: any

Place where it happens: grand exchange

Logger contents: none


my bad for having no logger contents. was using a vps. :|


but the problem was if the proxy went a bit slow, instead of typing the GE item price on the grand exchange, it types it on the chatbox instead. causing it to get stuck; due to the "enter price" dialog/screen to appear a few seconds slower due to the lag.


Well, a few seconds delay will make you die in every fight even if it goes past the GE part, there's not much that can be done about such a huge lag

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Well, a few seconds delay will make you die in every fight even if it goes past the GE part, there's not much that can be done about such a huge lag


it wasnt a huge lag. probably just a bit more than half a second. like when it wants to type 6000 the 6 goes to the chatbox and the 000 goes to the actual price input. the thing is it also affects non-combat quests. even like the 7qp list. but if theres nothing that can be done then okay.

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I'd like to test this out :)

Authed :doge:


Will this script be receiving further updates? and if yes, when? I really like this script, but it's lacking a lot of quests. If you need someone to beta test and report back feedback I'm certainly your guy. Happy to trial and error!

It's receiving updates when they are ready...

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