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Stealth Quester


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On 8/1/2018 at 3:13 PM, Norscax said:

Btw, u should change the zamorak robe top and bottom name. Zamorak robe and top is actually the white robe that gives prayer bonus etc. The red zamorak outfit is zamorak monk top and zamorak monk bottom. It kept writing the same thing cause there was nothing to choose apart from the first one i mentioned which is not the red outfit

Did jagex change the item names in a recent update?

On 8/1/2018 at 3:20 PM, Zor said:

Does grand tree support pies for the +5 agility?

No boosts are supported

On 8/1/2018 at 4:30 PM, ldwluis said:

So tried using it one of my accounts i played legit then had it sit for a month it was banned after use due to it getting stuck on g.e or vampire slayer since it forgets to take out runes.
the bot was running for 9 hours dying to vampire lol 100% my fault for afk botting tho. beautiful script now has too many bugs hope to see it changed soon <3 will always support this script! even if it bans me lol

Set a spell in the gear preset if you want the bot to use a spell while questing

On 8/1/2018 at 5:13 PM, Yuriy1992 said:

how can I get this bot ? can you give me a trail? please??

It's on the store, I'm not handling script trials for now

On 8/1/2018 at 9:40 PM, Urocktoo said:

@TokenSelect Mithril Dagger p++ and the script just stops, any clues?



Should be fixed on next update

On 8/2/2018 at 1:01 AM, Just Discipline said:

Does tourist trap work well for anyone?

I pushed some new code to fix a few gear errors on multiple quests, which should include Tourist Trap

On 8/2/2018 at 6:26 AM, maitken said:

Mine stopped during animal magnetism, was just after the part where i got the 2 undead chickens, it couldn't withdraw the items it wanted from the bank for some reason, pretty sure it was after the 5 iron bars. I kept doing a bit then starting the script again and it couldn't do any of the magnet part, once i gave the magnet to ava it started to work again.
Also watching it at the GE, it looks so bot like. Types in the full name of item games necklace(8) for example, I'm not sure but does anyone ever actually put the (8) on? And when it sits there and waits for an item to buy, then the exact second it does it carries on is also pretty bot like.
Was banned a few hours after use, This was the only script I had used in a few days.
I feel bad asking because I know this just came back on but is it possible to get a refund? Cheers

It went to the bank during the quest?

Scripters aren't in charge of sales

On 8/2/2018 at 7:17 AM, x mult said:

trial plzzz

I won't be handling script trials for now

On 8/2/2018 at 7:58 AM, Flashbacks420 said:

does this safe spot boss monsters when doing nmz? quests

Yes, if a spell is set

On 8/2/2018 at 7:59 AM, GoHokies said:

Trial Please :)

I won't be handling script trials for now

On 8/2/2018 at 7:18 PM, Just Discipline said:

Shadow of storm does not really work.




Happens multiple times in quest/same with tourist trap

Got an update pending which should fix that

On 8/2/2018 at 7:35 PM, CSGOslave said:

I love this script, best purchase ever!

But as another one mentioned, I really miss the presets aswell :) 

You can create the presets with any settings you want now, including custom CLI options

On 8/2/2018 at 9:44 PM, Seriously said:

For some reason it has problems with Pirate's Treasure:

F2P/P2P: F2P 

Mirror mode: No

Low CPU mode: No

Do you have tabs in your bank: No

Quick start option: No

Quest: Pirate's Treasure

Location: Bank

Logger contents: [DEBUG]Bank attempt 1...2, 3, 4

                            [DEBUG][BANKING]Attempting to get items from bank. Attemp 0, 1, 2

Additional info: Keeps spamming those lines until it opens a "notepad" window that says problem withdrawing item: "      " <- doesn't say item name. I have White Apron, Money, Bananas and Spade in the bank. It withdraws all of those and deposits everything, loops, log out.

Do you remember on which world this happened?

On 8/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, AdedBiatch said:

Can i please get a Trial @Token

I won't be handling script trials for now

20 hours ago, igmaulz said:

you really need to add more items to the gear slots, cant use fury's brine sabres, granite anything except maul..  very limited items

I'll update the item data soon, it's about a year old I think. It should contain all the commonly used items. I'm not sure if expensive gear will help much since the script does most quests on fresh accounts but fury is in the current item data set afaik.

15 hours ago, JCY said:

Stamina support would be fkin amazing

It's supported but only on a few quests atm

4 hours ago, tuckitin said:

wont even start?! 


[ERROR][Bot #1][08/03 10:39:38 AM]: Error in script onStart(): Stealth Quester
    at f.Aux.g(kb:178)
    at f.Aux.g(kb:152)
    at a.Nul.<init>(f:186)
    at a.Nul.g(f:175)
    at j.CON.onStart(vf:155)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.iiIiiiiiIiiI(kl:120)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(kl:129)
    at org.osbot.LPT5.run(cv:139)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 10:39:38 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[WARN][Bot #1][08/03 10:39:43 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now...
[ERROR][Bot #1][08/03 10:39:43 AM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 10:39:43 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[ERROR][Bot #1][08/03 10:39:43 AM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor

Got a pending update which should fix that

44 minutes ago, prinuk said:

hi there could I please get atrial

I won't be handling script trials for now

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6 minutes ago, D Bolter said:

before he rewrote the script, I remember running the script without the agility requirement. When it was time for the bot to go up the ladder, I just paused it, ate a summer pie, and went up the ladder myself

It may work that way especially if running in debug mode, but it's not "officially" supported

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Run almost every quests 5+ this week, pretty much all are almost flawless.



- Should babysit when started at G.E buying items, if it doesn't get an item right away will get stuck. Happens rarely, but prices in G.E are messed up not scripts fault.

- Just a few quests are buggy, but Token said he just pushed updates to fix those, so people relax! They will work hopefully like the rest of the quests soon. (E.g Tourist trap, Shadow of the Storm, Pirate RFD) those were the only ones I had real trouble with.

EDIT: I tried to run with summers pie and only having 20 agility, but would not allow me to start quest. I guess if you manually start it could pause before the ladder, but not sure.

Edited by Just Discipline
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12 minutes ago, Just Discipline said:

Run almost every quests 5+ this week, pretty all are almost flawless.



- Should babysit when started at G.E buying items, if it doesn't get an item right away will get stuck. Happens rarely, but prices in G.E are messed up not scripts fault.

- Just a few quests are buggy, but Token said he just pushed updates to fix those, so people relax! They will work hopefully like the rest of the quests soon. (E.g Tourist trap, Shadow of the Storm, Pirate RFD) those were the only ones I had real trouble with.

EDIT: I tried to run with summers pie and only having 20 agility, but would not allow me to start quest. I guess if you manually start it could pause before the ladder, but not sure.

It may be possible to start with debug mode, I'm not sure if I added requirement checks on that, but you will have to withdraw items/gear before running that way

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1 hour ago, Just Discipline said:

Run almost every quests 5+ this week, pretty much all are almost flawless.



- Should babysit when started at G.E buying items, if it doesn't get an item right away will get stuck. Happens rarely, but prices in G.E are messed up not scripts fault.

- Just a few quests are buggy, but Token said he just pushed updates to fix those, so people relax! They will work hopefully like the rest of the quests soon. (E.g Tourist trap, Shadow of the Storm, Pirate RFD) those were the only ones I had real trouble with.

EDIT: I tried to run with summers pie and only having 20 agility, but would not allow me to start quest. I guess if you manually start it could pause before the ladder, but not sure.

Have you tried to eat the summer pie's first half then start the script?  That way it would recognize the requirement and then you eat the rest at the ladder


Also does anyone know or have a list of the quest order that you can take that will let you do the max amount possible without needing to skill up such as requirements for Animal Magnetism?

Edited by mason222109
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29 minutes ago, killaaaa said:

How do I use to lost city quest. I wont let me use just says it only uses magic. I click ok and nothing.


Closed it and it ran

Still have to select a spell in Mage Book I believe.

I ran lost city earlier, finished in less than 10 mins on a level 20

Edited by Just Discipline
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16 minutes ago, krisped said:

I keep getting banned when I use this script. Created 5 new accounts and tried to bot 1 - 3 quests and got banned within the next day. Only used the quest bot. Someone else having trouble with this? :/

Your IP might be flagged -- or maybe just because they're fresh accounts

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