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Hello, Bot is stuck on buying waterskins for the tourist trap

[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6222
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 7608
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: creating offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: Buying item {name: Waterskin(4), amount: 3, buy price: 2536}
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:40 a.m.]: entering search query
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: waiting for options to appear
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Checking!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Dismantling trap at: [x=2499, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: finding option
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: selecting option with mouse
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:44 a.m.]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly...
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:45 a.m.]: setting amount and price
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:52 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Dismantling!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:52 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Checking trap at: [x=2497, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:55 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2499, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:55 a.m.]: NPC caught!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:55 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2499, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6222
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 7608
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: increasing price: base=2536 amount=3 price=2751
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: updating price for item: Waterskin(4), old price: 2536, new price: 2751
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6437
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8253
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: cancelling offer for item: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: aborting offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:00 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6437
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8253
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: collecting cancelled offers
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Checking!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Dismantling trap at: [x=2499, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:02 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6437
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8253
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: creating offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: Buying item {name: Waterskin(4), amount: 3, buy price: 2751}
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: entering search query
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:05 a.m.]: waiting for options to appear
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:05 a.m.]: finding option
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:05 a.m.]: selecting option with mouse
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:07 a.m.]: setting amount and price
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:09 a.m.]: Using Harpoon Spec soon
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:11 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Dismantling!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:11 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Checking trap at: [x=2499, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:12 a.m.]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly...
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:14 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2497, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:15 a.m.]: NPC caught!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:15 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2497, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:17 a.m.]: Wave
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:17 a.m.]: Fishing spot to interact: [x=8637, y=4723, z=0] | My pos: [x=8643, y=4719, z=0] | Visible: false | Reachable: true
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:17 a.m.]: Model data => Height:16 | Vertices: 83
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:18 a.m.]: Wave incoming
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:20 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Checking!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:20 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Dismantling trap at: [x=2497, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:21 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6437
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8253
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: increasing price: base=2751 amount=3 price=2982
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: updating price for item: Waterskin(4), old price: 2751, new price: 2982
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: Tether
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6668
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8946
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: cancelling offer for item: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: aborting offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6668
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8946
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: collecting cancelled offers
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2497, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6668
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8946
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: creating offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: Buying item {name: Waterskin(4), amount: 3, buy price: 2982}
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:26 a.m.]: Untether
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:26 a.m.]: Fishing spot to interact: [x=8637, y=4723, z=0] | My pos: [x=8642, y=4721, z=0] | Visible: true | Reachable: true
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:26 a.m.]: Model data => Height:16 | Vertices: 83
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:27 a.m.]: entering search query
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:27 a.m.]: Fishing spot to interact: [x=8636, y=4723, z=0] | My pos: [x=8638, y=4721, z=0] | Visible: true | Reachable: true
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:27 a.m.]: Model data => Height:16 | Vertices: 83
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:28 a.m.]: Fishing spot to interact: [x=8636, y=4723, z=0] | My pos: [x=8638, y=4721, z=0] | Visible: true | Reachable: true
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:28 a.m.]: Model data => Height:16 | Vertices: 83
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:28 a.m.]: waiting for options to appear
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:29 a.m.]: finding option
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:29 a.m.]: scrolling down
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:30 a.m.]: selecting option with mouse
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:30 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Dismantling!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:30 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Dismantling trap at: [x=2497, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:31 a.m.]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly...

I am running multiple bots so might show multiple logs

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On 9/18/2023 at 1:34 PM, Deathshunter said:

Is it possible to get a refund? 2 many quest don't work so many bugs i saw a couple post ago that Token won't be back for a while and it's kind of sad that we the peopl are just stuck with a broken script for idk how long i rather invest that money in other scripts that do work. 

Only had the script for a little over the month and problems just kept pilling up after probably like 3 weeks into the script.

i have played around with this script a bit and maybe i can help you out. I have gotten thru just about every quest it can do except the ones i dont have the reqs for which is only a few rfd subquests and 1-2 others. Shoot me a message and maybe I can help you figure out the best way to set it up for success.


the following pics to show which quests I have been able to get done successfully over the past week:







  • Boge 1
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[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:43:50 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:43:50 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:01 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:01 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:01 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:01 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:15 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:15 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:15 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:15 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:26 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:26 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:26 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:26 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:38 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:38 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:38 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:38 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:49 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:49 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:49 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:49 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:01 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:01 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:01 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:01 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:12 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:12 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:12 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:12 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:24 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:24 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:24 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:24 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:36 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:36 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:36 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:36 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:48 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:48 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:48 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:48 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:00 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:00 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:00 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:00 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:11 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:11 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:11 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:11 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:23 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:23 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:23 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:23 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:35 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:35 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:35 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:35 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:46 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:46 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:46 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:46 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:58 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:58 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:58 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:58 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:09 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:09 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:09 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:09 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:21 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:21 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:21 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:21 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:32 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:32 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:32 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:32 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:44 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:44 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:44 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:44 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:55 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:55 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:55 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:55 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:07 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:07 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:07 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:07 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:19 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:19 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:19 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:19 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:30 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:30 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:30 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:30 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:42 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:42 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:42 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:42 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:54 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:54 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:54 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:54 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:05 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:05 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:05 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:05 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:17 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:17 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:17 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:17 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:29 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:29 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:29 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:29 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:41 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:41 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:41 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:41 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:52 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3022, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:52 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:52 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:52 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:58 AM]: sleep interrupted
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:58 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!

Got this bug when doing tourist trap, he keeps clicking on the barrel, not sure why, I didn't watch it bug. He should be talking to the mine driver guy.

Edited by mariokiller64
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  • 2 weeks later...

[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: disabling stamina potions
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:35 AM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:37 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:37 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:37 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: computing item difference
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: all selected quests completed were completed
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: prayer thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: death callback thread exited
[INFO][10/05 01:08:55 AM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 27 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:59 AM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:03 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:06 AM]: Login attempt; awaiting login state or common login code: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:15 AM]: Login completed.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:15 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:15 AM]: BreakManager: We will bot for 110 minute(s) and break for 20 minute(s)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:15 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: Scheduling script background executors
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: prayer thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: death callback thread started
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: The current script is overriding the Death's office handler!
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues that occurred due to this.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:39 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:39 AM]: next between quest world hop threshold: 55 quests (54)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:39 AM]: next between quest break threshold: 55 quests (54), duration: 1 minutes
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: disabling stamina potions
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:41 AM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:43 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:43 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:43 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: computing item difference
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:45 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:45 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:45 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: all selected quests completed were completed
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: death callback thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: prayer thread exited
[INFO][10/05 01:10:29 AM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 27 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: prayer thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: death callback thread started
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: The current script is overriding the Death's office handler!
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues that occurred due to this.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:33 AM]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:29 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: next between quest world hop threshold: 55 quests (54)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: next between quest break threshold: 55 quests (54), duration: 1 minutes
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: position: [x=3165, y=3485, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: disabling stamina potions
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: position: [x=3165, y=3485, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:33 AM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:35 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:35 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:35 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: computing item difference
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:37 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:37 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:37 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: all selected quests completed were completed
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: death callback thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: prayer thread exited


I have this bug with Shadow Of The Storm and Underground Pass

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Keeps getting stuck at multiple phases at Varrock museum quest. Almost literally at every question.

[INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: selecting answers: [Sunlight, The Slayer Masters, Three, Squamata, It becomes sleepy, Hair]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: failed to find answer widget
[INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: position: [x=1743, y=4977, z=0]; next: Varrock Museum Quiz; queue: 7; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 2 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: running quest: Varrock Museum Quiz; current stage: 2
[INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: kudos = 0, position = [x=1743, y=4978, z=0]:                            config = 10
[INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: selecting answers: [Sunlight, The Slayer Masters, Three, Squamata, It becomes sleepy, Hair]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: failed to find answer widget


Edited by DoubleD
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in pirate's treasure
It sometimes get stuck on click the door in port sarim in doing the pirate's treasure and doesnt click the dialogue of being hired in the inn to get the rum.

in the Knight's sword
when mining the blurite ore vein, the script doesnt run away from the ice warrior and would be stuck in the loop of mining it and getting attacked.

in the Hazeel Cult,
would get stuck in the dialogue before starting the quest.

others are so far sooooo goood, damn

Edited by macky3217
  • Boge 1
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On 9/23/2023 at 8:45 PM, Kaywe said:

Did you remove porcine of interest and Varrock Museum Quiz? I couldn't find them

Press F3 to enable beta testing quests

On 9/24/2023 at 8:53 AM, Arnovr21 said:

Hello, Bot is stuck on buying waterskins for the tourist trap

[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6222
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 7608
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: creating offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:39 a.m.]: Buying item {name: Waterskin(4), amount: 3, buy price: 2536}
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:40 a.m.]: entering search query
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: waiting for options to appear
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Checking!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Dismantling trap at: [x=2499, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: finding option
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:43 a.m.]: selecting option with mouse
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:44 a.m.]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly...
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:45 a.m.]: setting amount and price
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:52 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Dismantling!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:52 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Checking trap at: [x=2497, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:55 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2499, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:55 a.m.]: NPC caught!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:51:55 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2499, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6222
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 7608
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: increasing price: base=2536 amount=3 price=2751
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: updating price for item: Waterskin(4), old price: 2536, new price: 2751
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:58 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6437
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8253
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: cancelling offer for item: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:51:59 a.m.]: aborting offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:00 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6437
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8253
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: collecting cancelled offers
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Checking!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:01 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Dismantling trap at: [x=2499, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:02 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6437
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8253
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: creating offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: Buying item {name: Waterskin(4), amount: 3, buy price: 2751}
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:03 a.m.]: entering search query
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:05 a.m.]: waiting for options to appear
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:05 a.m.]: finding option
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:05 a.m.]: selecting option with mouse
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:07 a.m.]: setting amount and price
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:09 a.m.]: Using Harpoon Spec soon
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:11 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Dismantling!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:11 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Checking trap at: [x=2499, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:12 a.m.]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly...
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:14 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2497, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:15 a.m.]: NPC caught!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:15 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2497, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:17 a.m.]: Wave
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:17 a.m.]: Fishing spot to interact: [x=8637, y=4723, z=0] | My pos: [x=8643, y=4719, z=0] | Visible: false | Reachable: true
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:17 a.m.]: Model data => Height:16 | Vertices: 83
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:18 a.m.]: Wave incoming
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:20 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Checking!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:20 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Dismantling trap at: [x=2497, y=2906, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:21 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6437
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8253
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: increasing price: base=2751 amount=3 price=2982
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: updating price for item: Waterskin(4), old price: 2751, new price: 2982
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: Tether
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6668
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8946
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: cancelling offer for item: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:22 a.m.]: aborting offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6668
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8946
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:24 a.m.]: collecting cancelled offers
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=2497, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: exchange not finished
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs House; queue: 11; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: items to buy: , Waterskin(4), Bucket of water, Varrock teleport, Necklace of passage(5), Bucket of milk, Camelot teleport, Jug of water
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: estimated required money: 6668
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: identifying price for: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: estimated next offer value: 8946
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: creating offer
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:25 a.m.]: Buying item {name: Waterskin(4), amount: 3, buy price: 2982}
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:26 a.m.]: Untether
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:26 a.m.]: Fishing spot to interact: [x=8637, y=4723, z=0] | My pos: [x=8642, y=4721, z=0] | Visible: true | Reachable: true
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:26 a.m.]: Model data => Height:16 | Vertices: 83
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:27 a.m.]: entering search query
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:27 a.m.]: Fishing spot to interact: [x=8636, y=4723, z=0] | My pos: [x=8638, y=4721, z=0] | Visible: true | Reachable: true
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:27 a.m.]: Model data => Height:16 | Vertices: 83
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:28 a.m.]: Fishing spot to interact: [x=8636, y=4723, z=0] | My pos: [x=8638, y=4721, z=0] | Visible: true | Reachable: true
[INFO][Bot #1][09/24 07:52:28 a.m.]: Model data => Height:16 | Vertices: 83
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:28 a.m.]: waiting for options to appear
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:29 a.m.]: finding option
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:29 a.m.]: scrolling down
[INFO][Bot #4][09/24 07:52:30 a.m.]: selecting option with mouse
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:30 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Finished Dismantling!
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:30 a.m.]: [TrappingTask]: Dismantling trap at: [x=2497, y=2908, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #3][09/24 07:52:31 a.m.]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly...

I am running multiple bots so might show multiple logs

I strongly recommend running 1 bot per client, more than that will make it unstable; Is this issue happening only with waterskins?

On 9/25/2023 at 8:52 AM, mariokiller64 said:
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:43:50 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:43:50 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:01 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:01 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:01 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:01 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:15 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:15 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:15 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:15 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:26 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:26 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:26 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:26 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:38 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:38 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:38 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:38 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:49 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:49 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:49 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:44:49 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:01 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:01 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:01 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:01 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:12 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:12 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:12 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:12 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:24 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:24 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:24 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:24 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:36 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:36 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:36 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:36 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:48 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:48 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:48 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:45:48 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:00 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:00 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:00 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:00 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:11 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:11 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:11 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:11 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:23 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:23 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:23 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:23 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:35 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:35 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:35 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:35 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:46 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:46 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:46 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:46 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:58 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:58 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:58 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:46:58 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:09 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:09 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:09 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:09 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:21 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:21 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:21 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:21 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:32 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:32 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:32 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:32 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:44 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:44 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:44 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:44 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:55 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:55 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:55 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:47:55 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:07 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:07 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:07 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:07 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:19 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:19 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:19 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:19 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:30 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:30 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:30 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:30 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:42 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:42 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:42 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:42 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:54 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:54 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:54 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:48:54 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:05 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:05 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:05 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:05 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:17 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:17 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:17 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:17 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:29 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:29 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:29 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:29 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:41 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3023, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:41 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:41 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:41 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:52 AM]: position: [x=3290, y=3022, z=0]; next: The Tourist Trap; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:52 AM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 21 0 0 0
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:52 AM]: running quest: The Tourist Trap; current stage: 25
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:52 AM]: Searching cart
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:58 AM]: sleep interrupted
[INFO][Bot #1][09/25 01:49:58 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!

Got this bug when doing tourist trap, he keeps clicking on the barrel, not sure why, I didn't watch it bug. He should be talking to the mine driver guy.

Will push an update shortly

On 10/5/2023 at 3:14 AM, flexedspoon said:

[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: disabling stamina potions
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:33 AM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:35 AM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:37 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:37 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:37 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: computing item difference
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:39 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: all selected quests completed were completed
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: prayer thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:40 AM]: death callback thread exited
[INFO][10/05 01:08:55 AM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 27 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:08:59 AM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:03 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:06 AM]: Login attempt; awaiting login state or common login code: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:15 AM]: Login completed.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:15 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:15 AM]: BreakManager: We will bot for 110 minute(s) and break for 20 minute(s)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:15 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: Scheduling script background executors
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: prayer thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: death callback thread started
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: The current script is overriding the Death's office handler!
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues that occurred due to this.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:19 AM]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:39 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:39 AM]: next between quest world hop threshold: 55 quests (54)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:39 AM]: next between quest break threshold: 55 quests (54), duration: 1 minutes
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: disabling stamina potions
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:40 AM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:41 AM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:43 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:43 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:43 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: computing item difference
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:44 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:45 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:45 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:45 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3489, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: all selected quests completed were completed
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: death callback thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:09:46 AM]: prayer thread exited
[INFO][10/05 01:10:29 AM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 27 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: prayer thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: death callback thread started
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: The current script is overriding the Death's office handler!
[WARN][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:32 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues that occurred due to this.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:10:33 AM]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:29 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: next between quest world hop threshold: 55 quests (54)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: next between quest break threshold: 55 quests (54), duration: 1 minutes
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: position: [x=3165, y=3485, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: disabling stamina potions
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:30 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: position: [x=3165, y=3485, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:31 AM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:33 AM]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:35 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:35 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:35 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: computing item difference
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:36 AM]: 
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:37 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:37 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:37 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: null; queue: 0; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: all selected quests completed were completed
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: Running quests in the following order
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: death callback thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][10/05 01:11:38 AM]: prayer thread exited


I have this bug with Shadow Of The Storm and Underground Pass

What exactly is the bug? There are no quests selected to run according to the logger

On 10/10/2023 at 1:35 AM, SaintMeegz said:

Can I get a Trial for this my trial for construction bot there didnt work for me i just ended up buying like 30k planks but id like to try this script out asap!!

I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials :feels: 

On 10/11/2023 at 9:22 PM, TiberiusSeptim said:

Script has been non-functional since 7.4 update. It seems to be affecting how the script banks and buys items along with interacting with objects or npc's. Sad as this was one of my staple scripts but I'm sure Token will get around to patching it ^^

Which part of banking and buying items?

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