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Stealth Quester


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Probably the most amazing script for oldschool runescape period.

(especially underground pass, and the walking when fighting the guard in holy grail, just wow man, super amazing)


however, would like to report 1 bug that i found,

does not complete the dialog for underground pass when the quest is completed (talking to king narod)

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  On 5/15/2020 at 8:03 PM, ProBotterIamNoob said:

can you make it so that it uses stamina potions on 'Priest in peril'? would make it a lot quicker at completing the quest tho



I ran into a issue, With 'Priest in peril' after killing the dog and telling roald about it the bot teleports to varrock center and then starts spamming the logger wit


'Destionation tile' 

No such destination tile found when wanting to bank after that for some reason the client freezes completely needing a force restart



another issue i found while doing another acc on waterfall quest


  Reveal hidden contents



Sure, I've got a newer version of Priest in Peril written and will push it later today with stamina potions since there's huge demand with the MMF hype right now :doge: 

I've got a few bug fixes to push, the recent game update had broken a few things and should all be fixed today

  On 5/15/2020 at 10:16 PM, Wizzy Sleeve said:

So theres no way to get the script to continue the quest where it left off if the account gets logged out? I disconnected 10mins into monkey madness, not looking forward to doing the quest by hand now.


There is debug mode which I've added detailed instructions for on the thread, but for newer quests like Monkey Madness, restarting the script should work at any point

  On 5/15/2020 at 11:04 PM, miladokv said:

I'm really really interested in this bot, but do you offer free trials before buying??


I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials

  On 5/16/2020 at 2:14 AM, imjulianxo said:

hello, am very interested in purchasing this script! however, I was wondering if maybe I would be able to have a free trial first? :)


I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials

  On 5/16/2020 at 11:25 AM, tunny231 said:

Doesnt wanna start RFD Dwarf? anyone had any issues with this


What's printed in the logger?

  On 5/16/2020 at 11:47 AM, yurci said:

May I get a free trial please?


I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials

  On 5/16/2020 at 1:28 PM, Bastiaan Kreuning said:

I've paid for this, but haven't yet received the tool. Please help, order number: #828911


It's automatically added in the client, check the script selector list


  On 5/16/2020 at 5:47 PM, bedshaped said:

Hey sheep shearer is having trouble with the chat options, I had to fix it manually.

Also, please update the requirements for the newly added quests such as holy grail on your main page. they are SUPER helpful


I'll push an update shortly with bug fixes for the recent game update

I think it's up to date, I've checked it after adding Underground Pass, let me know if something's missing

  On 5/17/2020 at 4:32 AM, mond1 said:

hey. 3 problems.

X marks the spot was my last quest, just stood there and didnt use the xp lamp for 3 hours (i  wia skill), script still ran so it didnt log out either..

Rfd ogre subquest just buying the items and stopping the script.

sheep shareer strated the chat over and over again.

using mirror mode



I'll push an update shortly with bug fixes for the recent game update

What's printed in the logger for RFD Ogre Subquest?

  On 5/17/2020 at 7:27 AM, grammatoncleric said:

Probably the most amazing script for oldschool runescape period.

(especially underground pass, and the walking when fighting the guard in holy grail, just wow man, super amazing)


however, would like to report 1 bug that i found,

does not complete the dialog for underground pass when the quest is completed (talking to king narod)


Thanks :doge: 

Is it supposed to complete dialogue and do another quest after, or is it the last quest and it's stuck in the dialogue without the script ending?

  On 5/17/2020 at 7:48 AM, Wizzy Sleeve said:

Just wondering what quest your planning to add next?



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@Token It was supposed to complete the dialogue with king narod (at the very end of the quest, underground pass) and then start another quest afterwards.
(reiterating so you don't have to search for my comment/post)

Poggers, jw, how many lines of code is this...?

Thank you!

Edited by grammatoncleric
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  On 5/16/2020 at 11:25 AM, tunny231 said:

Doesnt wanna start RFD Dwarf? anyone had any issues with this


You may not have the requirements, please be sure to check the OSBot Logger for details and post accordingly.

Also, please note that RFD Cook's subquest is required before any other RFD subquest.
Why RFD cook's subquest exists and is not included in the other subquests I do not know.

Edited by grammatoncleric
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Topic: Bug Report
Quest: RFD Cook's Subquest
Problem: Does not include a `rotten tomato` when delivering the quest items to the cook. Also repeats this dialogue forever, however, I know this is how loops work though
Solution: `Buy` a `rotten tomato` from `Fadli` in the dueling arena next to the bank chest before return to the cook

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  On 5/17/2020 at 10:30 AM, grammatoncleric said:

Topic: Bug Report
Quest: RFD Cook's Subquest
Problem: Does not include a `rotten tomato` when delivering the quest items to the cook. Also repeats this dialogue forever, however, I know this is how loops work though
Solution: `Buy` a `rotten tomato` from `Fadli` in the dueling arena next to the bank chest before return to the cook


for me it bought a rotten tomato at the jails in varock

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  On 5/13/2020 at 5:01 PM, Token said:

Where did it get stuck?


It had to knock the bandit out and pickpocket but instead it was trying to search some drawers inside of the house (which you can't get into until you've got the key from the bandit).


Biohazard it was upstairs in some building and had to attack a guard, it was stuck behind a door spamming attack over and over.

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