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Stealth Quester


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4 hours ago, lvl7botter said:

maybe your accounts get banned because they are too low stats or something, (too low total lvl) i've alrdy done a lot more quests on 3 more accs and again no banns, if you get a bann during or straight after, then its a automated bann from the system, and to get that you have to do something very wrong


Edit: someone 1-2 page ago said that the gui offers too little gear to equip, but if your account isnt completely fresh and you do the right quests first you can beat most stuff with just a weapon

My accs were level 70

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On 8/11/2018 at 5:50 PM, T R said:

Client of Kourend - Claiming rewards doesn't work, got stuck in a loop for like 10 hrs...

What reward did you select?

21 hours ago, colinbolii said:

Trial please

Not currently handling trials

21 hours ago, bibigever1 said:

aww man, was about to buy it but now im worried...

did anyone use this script recently and didnt get banned?

and btw, do you hand out trials? if so, id like to have one please.

Not currently handling trials

17 hours ago, igmaulz said:

dragon bolts (e) are now dragonstone bolts e so bot tries to search old ones in g.e. Also please make it so it can use avas on quests.. really need to add alot more items into the gear load outs. It is very outdated

Working on gathering new data atm

16 hours ago, UncleHard said:

Gets stuck taking out silverlight keys mirror mode.

[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:18 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:20 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:20 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:21 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:22 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:22 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:23 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:23 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:24 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:26 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:28 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:28 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:28 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:28 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:30 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:30 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:31 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:31 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:33 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:33 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:34 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:34 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:36 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:36 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:37 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:37 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:39 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:39 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:40 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:40 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:41 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:41 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:42 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:42 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:44 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:44 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:45 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:45 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:47 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:48 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:50 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:51 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:51 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:53 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:53 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:54 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:54 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:48:55 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:08 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:08 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:09 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:11 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:11 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:12 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:12 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:14 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:14 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:15 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:15 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:17 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:17 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:18 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:19 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:19 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:20 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:20 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:21 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:29 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:30 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:31 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:33 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:33 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:33 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:33 PM]: withdrawing silverlight keys
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:35 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:40 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:40 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:40 PM]: Getting silverlight
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:40 PM]: walking to position [x=3204, y=3473, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/11 11:49:40 PM]: destination: [x=3204, y=3473, z=0]


Mirror mode widgets have some bugs that I first noticed in 2016, I wouldn't recommend running this or any scripts that contain many widget interactions on mirror mode (bank, GE, dialogues etc)

15 hours ago, maitken said:

Why can range not be used in priest in peril? My accounts normally have 1 in each melee stat then some range and magic levels. Obviously you can't use magic as the dog is immune to it but why not range?

That's a little error in the new GUI code, should be fixed on next SDN update. It was supposed to prevent setting magic, the range one was for Demon Slayer. The script doesn't officially support range because of the too many variations of range weapons/ammo, it should work but with reasonable expectations, eg. shortbow with arrows, definitely not blowpipe. 

14 hours ago, Sjd6795 said:

Well I bought it will see how things go.. I ran one quest so far did it just fine but can you please not have the bot log out after the quest is completed.

The script should no longer log out after the next update is approved

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Update: So far so good, I have went from 7 quest points legit to currently sitting at 29 quest points. This account is 100% bot and in between quest I will go bot some combat/money making things. I don't let this account run for no more then 3 hours max on any bot. No bans so far and I'm currently botting the full RFD until mith gloves. Completing all required quest first then I will manually do the subquest myself. I think most bans are coming from the very rewarding quest such as animal magnetism etc.. play a little legit here and there and avoid all conversations with anyone.


Cons: Only cons I've had so far is it buys some items to low in the Grand exchange therefor never getting them and starting the quest. I'm also not sure if the bot trys to buy the items for the same price for everyone? If it does maybe add some sort of random number generator code in there so it's always buying things between like 50-500 coins on top of actual value.

Edited by Sjd6795
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Update: Didn't bot all day while I was at work 10+ hours after completing those quest not including the rfd subquest and ended up coming home to a permanent ban. This was a botted account so I don't care of my loss but I have been botting that account for a while and only recently after running this quest bot did it get banned. I also took all measures to keep it safe on my end, safe to say don't use this bot as it's getting bans left and right.

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Few questions: Can you make it so on tree gnome village it doesn't do the world hop thing that results in permaban?
For the Grand Tree, is it meant to safespot the Demon? Because it doesn't, didn't for me at least. (maybe this was because I was in rapid mode?)
How is the walking from place to place done? I swear it clicks on the same tile every time? I noticed that after doing priest in peril when ever leaving the temple heading down the tunnel entrance it would walk to the side of the temple, afk for 15 seconds then click on the tunnel and continue.
Is it possible to give multiple options for different webwalkers if thats how it is done?

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10 hours ago, Sjd6795 said:

Update: Didn't bot all day while I was at work 10+ hours after completing those quest not including the rfd subquest and ended up coming home to a permanent ban. This was a botted account so I don't care of my loss but I have been botting that account for a while and only recently after running this quest bot did it get banned. I also took all measures to keep it safe on my end, safe to say don't use this bot as it's getting bans left and right.

Told you.

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11 minutes ago, UncleHard said:

Told you.

Yep detected for sure if the scripter cared about the people and not just the money he would offer credit to people who paid for this within the last week and remove it from the SDN temporary to revise it. It literally does the exact same clicks and pathing for everyone doesn't take long for a ban to happen that way.

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