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Stealth Quester


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12 hours ago, U Wishin said:

im using original dmm mode. so i will have to gather all supplies myself correct?

I'm not exactly sure how the DMM mode works, the mode is not officially supported, but it should work if you gather all supplies

9 hours ago, gachunw said:

Hi, Token. I am new to the OSBot community. I am really interested in your bot but it is a little expensive for me. Can I obtain a trial to try it out before buying for my accounts?

Authed :doge:

7 hours ago, PartOfTheRoutine said:

Can you add Biohazard? :D


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54 minutes ago, Swedens said:

Are you running low on accounts to test out new scripts on? I got a few accounts quested with your script which you can try out new quests on.

Nah dw I got lots of accounts

48 minutes ago, I was on said:

Hey, can I try this out before I buy it?

Authed :doge: 

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4 hours ago, trilla said:

Could I get a trial? Want to test before I buy a copy to use on several accounts if it goes well. Thanks!

Authed :doge:

2 hours ago, nastynea said:

Could I get a trial for this script? I wanna see how it handle a few quests before I buy since it's a little pricey 

Authed :doge:

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