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Another approach to anti-ban implementation in scripts


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  On 1/28/2016 at 1:40 PM, lisabe96 said:

Who was talking about mouse movements, you missed the point completely.

It's about simulating human behavior rather than reacting to changes in the rs world.

You were talking about mouse movements. Moving the mouse out of the runescape window is a mouse movement. There is no other way to interpret it at code level. Delaying interactions means delaying mouse movements. Everything you mentioned can only be interpreted as mouse movement behaviour.


EDIT: Just so you know, everything you mentioned and much more has been researched intensively on another botting site and their ban rates are no way different from ours. I cannot say which bot it is but all their scripts are required to implement lots of things similar to those but A LOT more. Yet there has been no difference, but they still do it.

Edited by Token
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  On 1/28/2016 at 2:00 PM, Token said:

You were talking about mouse movements. Moving the mouse out of the runescape window is a mouse movement. There is no other way to interpret it at code level. Delaying interactions means delaying mouse movements. Everything you mentioned can only be interpreted as mouse movement behaviour.


EDIT: Just so you know, everything you mentioned and much more has been researched intensively on another botting site and their ban rates are no way different from ours. I cannot say which bot it is but all their scripts are required to implement lots of things similar to those but A LOT more. Yet there has been no difference, but they still do it.

Nope, you don't get it at all.

With moving mouse outside screen I mean that as a player you'd leave the game screen to do other stuff.

As humans we multi task.

I didn't mean it at code level AT ALL.

The thoughts I've written on the OP are purely theoretical and have nothing to do with code in a direct way.

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  On 1/28/2016 at 2:07 PM, lisabe96 said:

Nope, you don't get it at all.

With moving mouse outside screen I mean that as a player you'd leave the game screen to do other stuff.

As humans we multi task.

I didn't mean it at code level AT ALL.

The thoughts I've written on the OP are purely theoretical and have nothing to do with code in a direct way.

You don't get what I'm saying. 


A bot detection system is a software. As any software it is written in a programming language, most likely Java. In any programming language, in order to assess whether the player has left the game screen or not you don't have a application.hasUserLeftGameScreen() method. They have to implement such thing by using CODE. The only possible way to do such thing is by verifying mouse position and movements. Can you think of any other way to tell if a player has left the game screen or not without checking his mouse? Or what exacly do you mean by "have nothing to do with code in a direct way"? Any piece of information is aquired by using code and there is no other possibility.

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  On 1/28/2016 at 2:16 PM, Token said:

You don't get what I'm saying. 


A bot detection system is a software. As any software it is written in a programming language, most likely Java. In any programming language, in order to assess whether the player has left the game screen or not you don't have a application.hasUserLeftGameScreen() method. They have to implement such thing by using CODE. The only possible way to do such thing is by verifying mouse position and movements. Can you think of any other way to tell if a player has left the game screen or not without checking his mouse? Or what exacly do you mean by "have nothing to do with code in a direct way"? Any piece of information is aquired by using code and there is no other possibility.

Are you trolling or just being stupid.

The thread is a theoretical concept as I said before, this has nothing to do with code.

It's something to think about, design, work out.

For the 3th time, I'm not talking about mouse movements as a form of anti ban at all.


edit: And yes I can think of another way, it's called events. An event detects if the screen lost focus or not.

However it has nothing to do with my thread as I've been trying to tell you for the third time now.

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  On 1/28/2016 at 2:29 PM, lisabe96 said:

Are you trolling or just being stupid.

The thread is a theoretical concept as I said before, this has nothing to do with code.

It's something to think about, design, work out.

For the 3th time, I'm not talking about mouse movements as a form of anti ban at all.


edit: And yes I can think of another way, it's called events. An event detects if the screen lost focus or not.

However it has nothing to do with my thread as I've been trying to tell you for the third time now.

Events are not accessible by Jagex through their game client. I don't think you understand though, all your "theoretical concepts" are nothing but special cases of mouse movements. Anything you mentioned can only be interpreted by jagex as a series of mouse movements, clicks, delays etc. And you cannot say a scripting concept has nothing to do with code when scripts are code, just like their bot detection system.


PS: Just stop quoting me if you aren't even going to bother reading what I've told you ever since the first post, I'm not going to be wasting more time explaning the same thing 10000 times.

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  On 1/28/2016 at 2:43 PM, Token said:

Events are not accessible by Jagex through their game client. I don't think you understand though, all your "theoretical concepts" are nothing but special cases of mouse movements. Anything you mentioned can only be interpreted by jagex as a series of mouse movements, clicks, delays etc. And you cannot say a scripting concept has nothing to do with code when scripts are code, just like their bot detection system.


PS: Just stop quoting me if you aren't even going to bother reading what I've told you ever since the first post, I'm not going to be wasting more time explaning the same thing 10000 times.

Just stop quoting me if you aren't even going to bother reading what I've told you ever since the first post, I'm not going to be wasting more time explaning the same thing 10000 times.



I am cutting willows

Tree goes down

I take a little delay

I search a new tree

Tree is down, need 1 more log for full inventory

Cut tree

I go to bank



I am cutting willows

I am multi tasking some stuff

I come back to my game start chopping mah tree

Oh damn tree is down and only 1 log more for full inventory

Going to bank anyways



This is one example of human-like behavior that a bot wont do.

In order for Jagex to bust bots without banning legit players, they must have a fairly advanced algorithm

that might detect small things like this. Bot's don't think like humans.

So rather than writing a script based on facts/happenings in the rs-world,

we should design the script from the player view point.


Would I as human get a next tree for that 1 more log? Maybe if the tree is the closest to the bank

but I'm not running to one further away for that 1 log, I'm just gonna bank that shit.


Do you understand what I mean now???


And I'm very aware how the client-server works as I've written RSPS's from scratch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Worked out a first prototype system for this.

Wrote a simple fisher around it for testing.



So instead of your "script's working" being the main process.

Now the "human behavior" is the main process.

If there's no human behavior occurring we allow the script to execute.

onLoop() {
  * human behavior -> return
  * no human behavior -> handle script process

A little example of some "human behaviors"

inb4 "this is not right and what the hell is that" -> this is nothing serious yet at this point, no need to cry

//Min time (s) | max time (s) | approx frequency / hour | Move mouse out of screen for this behavior
LOSE_FOCUS(1, 3, 100, OutOfScreen.SOMETIMES),
TOILET(60, 120, 0.35, OutOfScreen.SOMETIMES),
BIG_TOILET(200, 750, 0.125, OutOfScreen.SOMETIMES),
TEXTING(3, 20, 20, OutOfScreen.NEVER),
CALLING(25, 250, 0.1, OutOfScreen.SOMETIMES),
GRAB_A_DRINK(50, 200, 0.3, OutOfScreen.SOMETIMES),
GET_FOOD(150, 1000, 0.2, OutOfScreen.SOMETIMES),
FAP_FAP_FAP_FAP_FAP(200, 1000, 0.05, OutOfScreen.ALWAYS),
YELL_FIGHT_WITH_MOM(400, 1400, 0.01, OutOfScreen.NEVER),
BROWSING_WEBSITE(20, 75, 30, OutOfScreen.ALWAYS),
GET_LOST_IN_A_READ(60, 600, 0.5, OutOfScreen.ALWAYS),
SMOKING_OUTSIDE(200, 360, 0.5, OutOfScreen.SOMETIMES);

@moving mouse outside screen, i personally don't believe jagex even has a clue about it,

but It doesn't hurt and "makes it more human-like" for the state of mind;


So yeah, currently testing the system with fishing to get a good view on the system and find out

what to change/tweak & whatever...




Edit: I just encountered a nice example of something that a human would encounter but a bot usually does not:

Ive been standing here for a minute with a full inventory because "I" was at the toilet.


Edited by lisabe96
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~ Tests with a fresh 'tutorial island completed' account ~


Day 1:

Lumbridge shrimps fishing

Runtime: 7 hours with 3 breaks of ~10 seconds to update the script

Status: Not banned



Day 2:

Fly fishing

Runtime: 11 hours with twice a 30min break

Status: Not banned







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