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closest different items in inventory


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im VB.Net coder , you could say expert..


and this is my very first 4 hours trying to learn it :s

so be a little more understanding if i dont follow what you saying right away.


so im trying to learn scripting with osbot.

as a start, i picked up this script to start modding with and to learn from.

my goal now is to make "simple" unfinished potion maker.


everything seems fine, till i encountered with this little problem..


basic review:

import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;

import java.awt.*;

@ScriptManifest(author = "Christ1665-> simple transform by iz0n", info = "unfinished potion maker (use near a bank chest)", name = "unf pots", version = 0, logo = "")
public class main extends Script {

	public void onStart() {

	private enum State {

	private State getState() {
		if (bank.isOpen())
			return State.BANK;
		if (!players.inventory.contains("Marrentill") || !players.inventory.contains("Vial of water"))
			return State.SETTING_UP;
		if (players.inventory.contains("Marrentill") || players.inventory.contains("Vial of water"))
			return State.WORKING;
		return null;


	public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException 
		switch(getState()) {
		case BANK:
			if (!players.getInventory().isEmpty()){
			bank.withdraw("Vial of water", 14);
			bank.withdraw("Marrentill", 14);
		case SETTING_UP:
			Entity bank = objects.closest("Bank Chest");
		case WORKING:
			getInventory().getItem("Vial of water").interact("Use");
			sleep(random(700, 950));
			RS2Widget w = widgets.get(309, 2);
			if (w != null)
			w.interact("Make ALL");
			sleep(random(10000, 13000));


		return random(500, 800);

	public void onExit() {

	public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {


what im trying to do, is instead of interacting with the first item of each herb or vial of water,

i want to choose to interact with the closet items to each other..

like this:


normal way:





what im looking for : to use any of these patterns instead of the first image





so this is more like anti-pattern, any ideas how to implement it ?



edited :

how i would do it in vb.net

create 2 lists for each item type, use any of the last 4, with the first 4 of the next item to interact with...


how do i do this in here :s

Edited by iz0n
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Check the inventory item slot destination clips against the distance to your mouse position. We have the API link above in the navigation bar, so just search for InventorySlotDestination. 


Also I think you meant to say "human like pattern" instead of "anti-pattern", unless you plan on randomizing the sequence of combinations of course.



how i would do it in vb.net

create 2 lists for each item type, use any of the last 4, with the first 4 of the next item to interact with...




You can do the same in Java as well.

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Hi, not very elegant, but should do the trick:

public class Answer {

	private MethodProvider mp;
	public Answer() {
		// Step 1: find the closest marrentil slot from your mouse point.
		// Step 2: find the closest vial slot from the closest marrentill slot.

		int closestMarrentillSlot = getClosestSlotFromPoint(mp, mp.getMouse().getPosition(), (v) -> v != null && v.getName().equals("Marrentill"));
		Rectangle closestMarrentillSlotRectangle = InventorySlotDestination.getSlot(closestMarrentillSlot);
		Point closestMarrentillSlotPoint = new Point((int)closestMarrentillSlotRectangle.getCenterX(), (int)closestMarrentillSlotRectangle.getCenterY());
		int closestVialSlot = getClosestSlotFromPoint(mp, closestMarrentillSlotPoint, (v) -> v != null && v.getName().equals("Vial of water"));
	public static int getClosestSlotFromPoint(MethodProvider mp, Point point, Filter<Item> filter) {

		int slot = 0; // The closest slot.
		int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // The smallest distance.

		for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
			Item item = mp.getInventory().getItemInSlot(i);
			if(item == null || !filter.match(item)) continue;
			Rectangle rectangle = InventorySlotDestination.getSlot(i);
			if(rectangle == null) continue;
			int delta = (int)new Point((int)rectangle.getCenterX(), (int)rectangle.getCenterY()).distance(point);
			if(delta < distance) {
				slot = i;
				distance = delta;
		return slot;
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