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Simple GE API


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Hey, I needed to use the GE in one of my scripts so I came up with this. It's pretty basic but allows you to buy and sell different items at different prices and amounts, as well as collect Items. Currently it's only set up to use the first box but you could easily modify to suit your needs.



import java.util.Random;

import org.osbot.rs07.api.def.ItemDefinition;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Item;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep;

public class GrandExchange {
	private final Script parent;
	private final Area GRAND_EXCHANGE_CENTER = new Area(3154, 3479, 3174, 3500);
	private final int[] collectWidget = { 465, 6, 1 };
	private final int[] buyOfferWidget = { 465, 7, 26 };
	private final int[] itemSelectWidget = { 465, 24, 21 };
	private final int[] preSlectionWidget = { 162, 38, 0 };
	private final int[] preNumberWidget = { 162, 32 };
	private final int[] searchIndexWidget = { 162, 38 };
	private final int[] searchTextWidget = { 162, 33 };
	private final int[] chatboxWidget = { 162, 42 };
	private final int[] priceWidget = { 465, 24, 39 };
	private final int[] amountWidget = { 465, 24, 32 };
	private final int[] setPriceWidget = { 465, 24, 12 };
	private final int[] setAmountWidget = { 465, 24, 7 };
	private final int[] confirmWidget = { 465, 24, 54 };
	private final int[] setAllWidget = { 465, 24, 6 };

	public GrandExchange(Script script) {
		this.parent = script;

	public void openGE() {
		RS2Object geBooth = parent.getObjects().closest("Grand Exchange booth");
		NPC exchangeWorker = parent.getNpcs().closest("Grand Exchange Clerk");

		int random = new Random().nextInt(10);
		if (geBooth != null && random < 5) {
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
				public boolean condition() {
					return parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen();

		if (exchangeWorker != null && random >= 5) {
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {

				public boolean condition() {
					return parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen();



	public void collectItems(boolean bank) {
		if (parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen() && collectButton() != null) {
			if (bank) {
				collectButton().interact("Collect to bank");
			} else {
				collectButton().interact("Collect to inventory");
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
				public boolean condition() {
					return collectButton() != null;


	public void createBuyOffer(String itemName, int price, int amount) {
		if (parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen()) {
			if (!parent.getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen()) {
			if (!getItem().equals(itemName)) {
			if (getPrice() != price) {
			if (getAmount() != amount) {
			if (confirmButton() != null && getItem().equals(itemName) && getPrice() == price && getAmount() == amount) {
				new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
					public boolean condition() {
						return !parent.getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen();



	private void initBuyOffer(String itemName) {
		if (parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen() && !parent.getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen()
				&& buyOfferSlotOne() != null) {
			buyOfferSlotOne().interact("Create buy offer");
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
				public boolean condition() {
					return parent.getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen();

	private void selectBuyItem(String itemName) {
		if (parent.getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen() && !getName(itemSelection().getItemId()).equals(itemName)) {
			if (itemSelection() != null && preIndex() == null) {
				itemSelection().interact("Choose item");
				new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
					public boolean condition() {
						return preIndex() != null;
			if (itemSelection() != null && preIndex() != null && !chatboxText().isVisible()) {
				if (!enteredText().equals(itemName)) {
					if (searchText().getMessage().length() == 47) {
						parent.getKeyboard().typeString(itemName, false);
						new ConditionalSleep(3000, 3500) {
							public boolean condition() {
								return enteredText().equals(itemName);
					} else {
						while (!itemName.contains(enteredText())) {



				} else {
					// iterate through index children and find the itemName
					for (RS2Widget indexItem : searchIndex().getChildWidgets()) {
						if (indexItem.getMessage() != null && indexItem.getMessage().equals(itemName)) {
							parent.getMouse().click(indexItem.getAbsX(), indexItem.getAbsY(), false);
							new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {

								public boolean condition() {
									return getName(itemSelection().getItemId()).equals(itemName);




	public void createSellOffer(String itemName, int price, int amount) {
		if (parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen()) {
			if (!parent.getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen()) {
			if (confirmButton() != null && getItem().equals(itemName) && getPrice() == price && getAmount() == amount) {
				new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
					public boolean condition() {
						return !parent.getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen();



	private void initSellOffer(String itemName) {
		if (parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen() && !parent.getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen()) {
			if (parent.getInventory().contains(itemName)) {
				Item sellItem = parent.getInventory().getItem(itemName);
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
				public boolean condition() {
					return parent.getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen();

	private void setPrice(int itemPrice) {

		if (parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen() && parent.getGrandExchange().isOfferScreenOpen()) {
			if (priceText().getMessage() != null
					&& Integer.parseInt(priceText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", "")) != itemPrice
					&& preNumber() != null && !preNumber().isVisible()) {
				if (itemPrice != 0 && priceButton() != null && preNumber() != null && !preNumber().isVisible()) {
					priceButton().interact("Enter price");
					new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
						public boolean condition() {
							return preNumber().isVisible();

				if (itemPrice == 0 && allButton() != null) {
					new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
						public boolean condition() {
							return preNumber().isVisible();


			if (getPrice() != itemPrice && preNumber() != null && preNumber().isVisible() && searchText() != null
					&& !searchText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", "").equals((String.valueOf(itemPrice)))
					&& !chatboxText().isVisible()) {
				parent.getKeyboard().typeString(String.valueOf(itemPrice), true);


	private void setAmount(int itemAmount) {
		if (parent.getGrandExchange().isOpen() && parent.getGrandExchange().isOfferScreenOpen()) {
			if (amountText().getMessage() != null
					&& Integer.parseInt(amountText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", "")) != itemAmount) {
				if (amountButton() != null && preNumber() != null && !preNumber().isVisible()) {
					amountButton().interact("Enter quantity");
					new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
						public boolean condition() {
							return preNumber().isVisible();



			if (getAmount() != itemAmount && preNumber() != null && preNumber().isVisible() && searchText() != null
					&& !searchText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", "").equals((String.valueOf(itemAmount)))
					&& !chatboxText().isVisible()) {
				parent.getKeyboard().typeString(String.valueOf(itemAmount), true);


	private String enteredText() {
		String input = searchText().getMessage().substring(46).replace("*", "");
		return input;

	private int getPrice() {
		if (priceText() != null && priceText().getMessage() != null) {
			return Integer.parseInt(priceText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", ""));
		return -1;

	private int getAmount() {
		if (amountText() != null && amountText().getMessage() != null) {
			return Integer.parseInt(amountText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", ""));
		return -1;

	private String getItem() {
		if (itemSelection() != null) {
			return getName(itemSelection().getItemId());
		return "Invalid";

	private RS2Widget searchIndex() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(searchIndexWidget[0], searchIndexWidget[1]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget buyOfferSlotOne() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(buyOfferWidget[0], buyOfferWidget[1], buyOfferWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget confirmButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(confirmWidget[0], confirmWidget[1], confirmWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget collectButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(collectWidget[0], collectWidget[1], collectWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget preIndex() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(preSlectionWidget[0], preSlectionWidget[1], preSlectionWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget itemSelection() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(itemSelectWidget[0], itemSelectWidget[1], itemSelectWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget priceButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(setPriceWidget[0], setPriceWidget[1], setPriceWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget priceText() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(priceWidget[0], priceWidget[1], priceWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget chatboxText() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(chatboxWidget[0], chatboxWidget[1]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget preNumber() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(preNumberWidget[0], preNumberWidget[1]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget searchText() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(searchTextWidget[0], searchTextWidget[1]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget amountButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(setAmountWidget[0], setAmountWidget[1], setAmountWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget amountText() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(amountWidget[0], amountWidget[1], amountWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private String getName(int id) {
		ItemDefinition itemDef = ItemDefinition.forId(id);
		if (itemDef != null && itemDef.getName() != null) {
			return itemDef.getName();
		return null;

	private RS2Widget allButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getWidgets().get(setAllWidget[0], setAllWidget[1], setAllWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;



Lemon Version:

import java.util.Random;
import lemons.api.script.TaskScript;
import lemons.api.script.entities.NPC;
import lemons.api.script.entities.RS2Object;

import org.osbot.rs07.api.def.ItemDefinition;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Item;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget;
import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep;

public class GrandExchange extends TaskScript {
	private final TaskScript parent;
	private final Area GRAND_EXCHANGE_CENTER = new Area(3154, 3479, 3174, 3500);
	private final int[] collectWidget = { 465, 6, 1 };
	private final int[] buyOfferWidget = { 465, 7, 26 };
	private final int[] itemSelectWidget = { 465, 24, 21 };
	private final int[] preSlectionWidget = { 162, 38, 0 };
	private final int[] preNumberWidget = { 162, 32 };
	private final int[] searchIndexWidget = { 162, 38 };
	private final int[] searchTextWidget = { 162, 33 };
	private final int[] chatboxWidget = { 162, 42 };
	private final int[] priceWidget = { 465, 24, 39 };
	private final int[] amountWidget = { 465, 24, 32 };
	private final int[] setPriceWidget = { 465, 24, 12 };
	private final int[] setAmountWidget = { 465, 24, 7 };
	private final int[] confirmWidget = { 465, 24, 54 };
	private final int[] setAllWidget = { 465, 24, 6 };

	public GrandExchange(TaskScript script) {
		this.parent = script;

	public void openGE() {
		RS2Object geBooth = parent.getScript().getObjects2().closest("Grand Exchange booth");
		NPC exchangeWorker = parent.getScript().getNpcs2().closest("Grand Exchange Clerk");

		int random = new Random().nextInt(10);
		if (geBooth != null && random < 5) {
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
				public boolean condition() {
					return parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen();

		if (exchangeWorker != null && random >= 5) {
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {

				public boolean condition() {
					return parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen();



	public void collectItems(boolean bank) {
		if (parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen() && collectButton() != null) {
			if (bank) {
				collectButton().interact("Collect to bank");
			} else {
				collectButton().interact("Collect to inventory");
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
				public boolean condition() {
					return collectButton() != null;


	public void createBuyOffer(String itemName, int price, int amount) {
		if (parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen()) {
			if (!parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen()) {
			if (!getItem().equals(itemName)) {
			if (getPrice() != price) {
			if (getAmount() != amount) {
			if (confirmButton() != null && getItem().equals(itemName) && getPrice() == price && getAmount() == amount) {
				new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
					public boolean condition() {
						return !parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen();



	private void initBuyOffer(String itemName) {
		if (parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen() && !parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen()
				&& buyOfferSlotOne() != null) {
			buyOfferSlotOne().interact("Create buy offer");
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
				public boolean condition() {
					return parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen();

	private void selectBuyItem(String itemName) {
		if (parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen() && !getName(itemSelection().getItemId()).equals(itemName)) {
			if (itemSelection() != null && preIndex() == null) {
				itemSelection().interact("Choose item");
				new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
					public boolean condition() {
						return preIndex() != null;
			if (itemSelection() != null && preIndex() != null && !chatboxText().isVisible()) {
				if (!enteredText().equals(itemName)) {
					if (searchText().getMessage().length() == 47) {
						parent.getScript().getKeyboard().typeString(itemName, false);
						new ConditionalSleep(3000, 3500) {
							public boolean condition() {
								return enteredText().equals(itemName);
					} else {
						while (!itemName.contains(enteredText())) {



				} else {
					// iterate through index children and find the itemName
					for (RS2Widget indexItem : searchIndex().getChildWidgets()) {
						if (indexItem.getMessage() != null && indexItem.getMessage().equals(itemName)) {
							parent.getScript().getMouse().click(indexItem.getAbsX(), indexItem.getAbsY(), false);
							new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {

								public boolean condition() {
									return getName(itemSelection().getItemId()).equals(itemName);




	public void createSellOffer(String itemName, int price, int amount) {
		if (parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen()) {
			if (!parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen()) {
			if (confirmButton() != null && getItem().equals(itemName) && getPrice() == price && getAmount() == amount) {
				new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
					public boolean condition() {
						return !parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen();



	private void initSellOffer(String itemName) {
		if (parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen() && !parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen()) {
			if (parent.getScript().getInventory().contains(itemName)) {
				Item sellItem = parent.getScript().getInventory().getItem(itemName);
			new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
				public boolean condition() {
					return parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen();

	private void setPrice(int itemPrice) {

		if (parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen() && parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOfferScreenOpen()) {
			if (priceText().getMessage() != null
					&& Integer.parseInt(priceText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", "")) != itemPrice
					&& preNumber() != null && !preNumber().isVisible()) {
				if (itemPrice != 0 && priceButton() != null && preNumber() != null && !preNumber().isVisible()) {
					priceButton().interact("Enter price");
					new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
						public boolean condition() {
							return preNumber().isVisible();

				if (itemPrice == 0 && allButton() != null) {
					new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
						public boolean condition() {
							return preNumber().isVisible();


			if (getPrice() != itemPrice && preNumber() != null && preNumber().isVisible() && searchText() != null
					&& !searchText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", "").equals((String.valueOf(itemPrice)))
					&& !chatboxText().isVisible()) {
				parent.getScript().getKeyboard().typeString(String.valueOf(itemPrice), true);


	private void setAmount(int itemAmount) {
		if (parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOpen() && parent.getScript().getGrandExchange().isOfferScreenOpen()) {
			if (amountText().getMessage() != null
					&& Integer.parseInt(amountText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", "")) != itemAmount) {
				if (amountButton() != null && preNumber() != null && !preNumber().isVisible()) {
					amountButton().interact("Enter quantity");
					new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) {
						public boolean condition() {
							return preNumber().isVisible();



			if (getAmount() != itemAmount && preNumber() != null && preNumber().isVisible() && searchText() != null
					&& !searchText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", "").equals((String.valueOf(itemAmount)))
					&& !chatboxText().isVisible()) {
				parent.getScript().getKeyboard().typeString(String.valueOf(itemAmount), true);


	private String enteredText() {
		String input = searchText().getMessage().substring(46).replace("*", "");
		return input;

	private int getPrice() {
		if (priceText() != null && priceText().getMessage() != null) {
			return Integer.parseInt(priceText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", ""));
		return -1;

	private int getAmount() {
		if (amountText() != null && amountText().getMessage() != null) {
			return Integer.parseInt(amountText().getMessage().replaceAll("[\\D]", ""));
		return -1;

	private String getItem() {
		if (itemSelection() != null) {
			return getName(itemSelection().getItemId());
		return "Invalid";

	private RS2Widget searchIndex() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(searchIndexWidget[0], searchIndexWidget[1]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget buyOfferSlotOne() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(buyOfferWidget[0], buyOfferWidget[1], buyOfferWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget confirmButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(confirmWidget[0], confirmWidget[1], confirmWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget collectButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(collectWidget[0], collectWidget[1], collectWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget preIndex() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(preSlectionWidget[0], preSlectionWidget[1], preSlectionWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget itemSelection() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(itemSelectWidget[0], itemSelectWidget[1], itemSelectWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget priceButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(setPriceWidget[0], setPriceWidget[1], setPriceWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget priceText() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(priceWidget[0], priceWidget[1], priceWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget chatboxText() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(chatboxWidget[0], chatboxWidget[1]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget preNumber() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(preNumberWidget[0], preNumberWidget[1]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget searchText() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(searchTextWidget[0], searchTextWidget[1]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget amountButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(setAmountWidget[0], setAmountWidget[1], setAmountWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private RS2Widget amountText() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(amountWidget[0], amountWidget[1], amountWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;

	private String getName(int id) {
		ItemDefinition itemDef = ItemDefinition.forId(id);
		if (itemDef != null && itemDef.getName() != null) {
			return itemDef.getName();
		return null;

	private RS2Widget allButton() {
		RS2Widget widget = parent.getScript().getWidgets().get(setAllWidget[0], setAllWidget[1], setAllWidget[2]);
		if (widget != null) {
			return widget;
		return null;


Example Usage:

public class Script extends org.osbot.rs07.script.Script{
	private final String itemName = "Blue partyhat";
	private final int itemPrice = 2147137627;
	private final int itemAmount = 500;

	public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
		GrandExchange GE = new GrandExchange(this); //new GrandExchange instance with our script
		if (!getGrandExchange().isOpen()) { //Checks if ge is open
			GE.openGE(); //open ge randomly using booth or npc
		} else {
			GE.collectItems(false); //collect items (boolean true -> to bank, false -> inventory)
			GE.createBuyOffer(itemName, itemPrice, itemAmount); //creates a buy offer with specified params
			GE.createSellOffer(itemName, itemPrice, 0); //Sells all of the specified items in inventory at specified price ( 0 = all, int = specified amount)
		return 150;


Edited by LoudPacks
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These really shouldn't be voids, you should return boolean's to know if the method actually executed successfully.


Also its not the best programming practice to statically create all the widgets like that, they should only be initalized when needed, keeping the scope as small as possible. Which will help the garbage collector and improve efficiency.


One more thing, The GrandExchange stores alot of the information in Settings, for example the current quantity, price, and amount of the offer you're placing. Which is a better way and less memory intensive afaik, instead of reading the widget text.

Edited by N O Special
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  • 10 months later...

Thanks for this, but maybe someone could help me out how to fix this error.

I get a NumberFormatException in the setPrice() method. Well, basically I get it everyhere where Integer.parseInt() is used.

For example this 

if (priceText() != null && priceText().getMessage() != null)

says it's not null and then tries to execute the parseInt() and ends up with a error. Though when I log the getMessage() method it's empty.

The error occurs when doing a buy or a sell offer. Any idea how to fix this properly?

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