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Is a Relationship Worth It?


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I think a relationship depends on the type of person you are, some don't need others to be happy and enjoy the little things, but in my experience a relationship is totally worth the hassle, having someone there when you need them to most, laughing at the most stupid things, you can describe the feeling it gives you when everything is going great, but obviously it has its negatives, you can't go randomly fuck the 8/10 girl who wants you, you'll argue from time to time, you'll get a little jealous...

But it's worth it.

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I guess it really depends who you are, you have to make the choice yourself. Tbh you can be a very happy single, if you have good friends and all that. It's not a taboo anymore to be single and be proud of it. Relationships can be good for something, but eventually they won't last for ever. Thats the part of it. Remember that anything that makes you extremely happy will eventually make you just as upset again, that the circle of life. :D

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Been in a relationship for about 2 and a half years now. At the beginning it starts with a shitload of feelings which you have no idea how to explain (honeymoon stage) and everything seems to be dandy mandy but your heart overpowers your brain and your thinking changes completely, anything you'll want to do or sacrifice will be for your relationship and it takes you downhill. Its different for all relationships how long the honeymoon stage lasts but once that's over, it starts to get better and much different, this is the time when your true selves come out and is usually the time where its either you know you're going to stay together or that's it, it's over. After the honeymoon stage it's more like a relationship where the other person is your soulmate/bestfriend/as well as girlfriend/boyfriend. Relationships get tough and during your late teens I wouldn't advise it if it's you're around 17-18 and have to get a lot done at school and can't control what a relationship will do to you. You get into a lot of fights, hurt feelings, but it also becomes the reason why you're smiling for most of the time, because it truly does bring you up. You just have to experience it and you'll see that it truly is something magical. (This is all said based on the fact that you have truly found the one for you, if not, then it won't be much)

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