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Finally spoke with my dad again after 3.5 years


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Fucking amazing! I couldn't be happier right now.

I am so glad I reconnected with him despite the difficulties I had growing up with him.
I feel having a relationship as adults will be much easier, and we can have so much fun again.
Probably going to do my internship in California now and live with him then =).

It's just really awesome I never expected id  reconnect with him so easily, and I regret not talking with him for so long. Though I doubt I would have ever realized how awesome things would turn out with him had I dealt with him the past 3.5 years. Like I needed this time to grow as a person and prove myself until I felt ready.

Sorry for the personal post it's just a really awesome feeling wanted to share it =).

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That's awesome man! I too struggled with my dad growing up. Well, not so much my dad rather than my step-mom who basically stripped away our relationship and as the years passed him and I grew very distant. The day I turned 18 I moved out/was kind of kicked out of my house and went to live with my grandparents.


That was over a year ago and it hasn't really been until recently when I moved to Arizona (from Indianapolis) that him and I are really starting to reconnect. I am visiting home on the holidays and he is making the trip with me back to Arizona and I will be flying him home. It feels amazing when you can reconnect with family like that man. So congratulations and do what you can to keep that relationship strong because at the end of the day, he is still your father and that will never change. biggrin.png

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what part of california?

& that's good, i haven't talked to my dad in about 5 years, doubt i ever will again.

Thank you and somewhere around Los Angeles. That's where I was born and he's not too far from there. My grand parents on his side are around Sacramento.


I am sorry to hear, I don't know your circumstances personally so I wont suggest you do that's for you to decide. In a perfect world no one would fight =).

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I wasn't so lucky, my father was a violent, drunk psychopath. He was imprisoned when I was only two years old.

He never showed up after that until last September, when I had the regrettable news that he had ended his own life.

I had never spoken to his side of the family until the funeral, which as you can imagine was an extremely strange experience for me.

Apparently he spoke about me a lot and tried his best to keep up to date with what I was doing but he never had the courage to directly meet me.

I can only assume he was scared of what I'd think of him, but now I'll never truly know his side of the story.


You don't need a father figure in life, but it helps an awful lot. 

The struggle to become a man without a tutor is simply unparalleled.

It's taken me an awful lot of self-control to keep out of jail after being arrested for violence and sectioned for mental health issues a lot throughout my teenage years.


You only get one father, be it a good one or a shabby one.

Whatever the cost and whatever the sacrifice, do everything in your power to keep the near unbreakable bond between the two of you alive and well.


You never know when it's too late.

Edited by Benz
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Thank you and somewhere around Los Angeles. That's where I was born and he's not too far from there. My grand parents on his side are around Sacramento.


I am sorry to hear, I don't know your circumstances personally so I wont suggest you do that's for you to decide. In a perfect world no one would fight =).


Lol i live near sacramento, im a little more south though.

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I wasn't so lucky, my father was a violent, drunk psychopath. He was imprisoned when I was only two years old.

He never showed up after that until last September, when I had the regrettable news that he had ended his own life.

I had never spoken to his side of the family until the funeral, which as you can imagine was an extremely strange experience for me.

Apparently he spoke about me a lot and tried his best to keep up to date with what I was doing but he never had the courage to directly meet me.

I can only assume he was scared of what I'd think of him, but now I'll never truly know his side of the story.


You don't need a father figure in life, but it helps an awful lot. 

The struggle to become a man without a tutor is simply unparalleled.

It's taken me an awful lot of self-control to keep out of jail after being arrested for violence and sectioned for mental health issues a lot throughout my teenage years.


You only get one father, be it a good one or a shabby one.

Whatever the cost and whatever the sacrifice, do everything in your power to keep the near unbreakable bond between the two of you alive and well.


You never know when it's too late.

Damn man I am very sorry to hear =(.

My dad was a really angry/agressive person too, and he inadvertently defended a lot of bad people in my life who hurt me(good intentioned as he was it was still incredibly annoying, and I always saw him as their cheer leader). He was really scary when he'd get physical with me as a kid, but he was old school in his discipline.

I finally felt comfortable talking with him after years of turning my life around and proving myself to him and all the other nay sayers.

I am really sorry your dad wasn't even there for you =(. I know what you mean about trying to grow as a man without a male role model. It's pretty exciting having this new relationship with him as an adult. I hope I am not offending you =(. You seem like an interesting person to talk to.

Thank you for sharing your story.

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Thank you and somewhere around Los Angeles. That's where I was born and he's not too far from there. My grand parents on his side are around Sacramento.


I am sorry to hear, I don't know your circumstances personally so I wont suggest you do that's for you to decide. In a perfect world no one would fight =).


lets get food sometime xd

i promise i wont abduct you

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lets get food sometime xd

i promise i wont abduct you

Oh shit that'd be awesome! I just have to get an internship out there first sometime during the summer of 2016 though.

We could probably watch anime together too and some other shit.


lol I am not worried I am actually meeting an ex-worker of mine in real life @Incendiax over christmas break =). He's a good friend of mine we met last year when he joined my service team. My mom's in Rhode Island and he's in Connecticut so it works pretty well.

Edited by NoahTheWisewolf
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Some dads got it and some don't. It's the luck of the draw, but it definitely betters you as a person if you live without one or do live with an abusive/neglectful father because it shows you how not to treat your future children. I am adopted so I know where you guys are coming from, never connected with my parents as I was adopted at birth but I had a father growing up until i was 17 and then he left and moved to arizona for some girl he met on facebook that he went to highschool with back in the day after being married to my mom (adopting mom) for 36 years. Ain't that some shit.

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