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Specific Banwave


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Heard of users getting nailed recently, couldn't figure out where from.

Clearly it was ****mate - https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/666251796000698368

But what can cause a lot of users from one bot to be banned?


Just wondering because I was wondering if this could happen to everyone here eventually.

Edited by prayz
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Well my deduction is:


1) He lost verified because he lost VIP, you need VIP to get maintain verified.

2) He asked for a demotion because he wanted to move on in life and work on his family.


Could be wrong but that's what i've come up with.


Not gonna happen here, most likely. We aren't a new client, we've been around, they haven't. Clearly they aren't advanced enough.


If they could do this to us, or any others, they would have done it by now. Not a coincidence that its a new bot.

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