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Perfect Thiever AIO


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It seems to be only ardougne bank, I highly recommend selecting the option W302 Ardy Bank because the Ardougne Bank option assumes somebody lures the knight inside the bank


Should I make it go outside the bank to search for npcs? Or were you already in w302 btw? I'll think of a nice solution for this one and implement it ASAP.

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For coins we gotta select this one to keep them:


And for vyres done added trial enjoy, I've done a lot of work specifically on vyres and knights actually, and master farmers too. This is how I train my accs from 1-82 thieving. I pickpocket men from 1-38, master farmers from 38-55, knights from 55-82 :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heads up, I set this to pickpocket and didn't check to keep coins. It sat for idk how long trying to drop a 35k stack of coins, but was stopped from doing so by a warning message. 100% my fault, but you may want to add in a check for the warning message/ warn people to disable said warning message. up to you, im still 100% happy with the script.

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I'll auto-select (by default) some popular items like coins - should do the trick and make life easier too :doge:  basically its just the way the setup asks you what items to keep and what items to drop, apologies!

Also I'll make a handler for the dialogue too 😉 

Tysm btw for feedback <3 Lemme know if you want me to change anything else! :D

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