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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Hey, I love your scripts and have bought a few of them. Could I ask for further clarity when it comes to using dodgy necklaces. I've tried to integrate it in the following ways, and here's what's worked and what hasn't. Also, I've found a bug/have a suggestion that will make for a major upgrade.


1. Starting with necklaces in inventory

result: the bot equips existing ones as they break. This works fine if I start with like 8 of them lol. However, it doesn't withdraw new ones from the bank.

2. Starting without necklaces

result: bot doesn't use the dodgy necklaces at all. 

Comment: dodgy necklace input both times has been "3". Is that supposed to be "3" per inventory or 3 are going to be used in total?

Bug: using the "eat to make space" option doesn't work. The bot just sits there and according to the log, it's trying to find items to discard instead of eating the food (when inventory gets full).

Suggestions: when depositing, it be great if the bot would use the "deposit all" feature because here's a scenario at master farmers.

- inventory fills up but i still have some food left.

- bot individually deposits 27 seeds because there's 1 food in the inventory.

- looks super botty.

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At Hosidius House fruit stall: 

Without basket option, it does not drop unwanted items. Just banks everything. This happened to me aswell at Master Farmer.

With basket option: the bot gets stuck trying to fill baskets when no more "basketable" fruits are left in the inventory. Even without really fixing this, it could be prevented by making it get less baskets from bank. 16 isn't reasonable, 5 or 6 would be plenty.


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@Czar   suggestion - add randomized eating to cake it currently eats all cakes then proceeds to eat its 2/3 cakes and then finally the slice of cake in a row from top left to bottom right could it be added that if you start the food option with 'cake' it will randomly eat any of the 3 cake options in your inventory between cake &  2/3 cake & slice of cake ? 


ez feature imo

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[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:45 AM]: 2 Skipping over (i0s0), ss: deposit_except and: Genie lamp,Dodgy necklace,Gloves of silence,Coin pouch,Trout, can: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:45 AM]: 2 Skipping over (i0s0), ss: withdraw and: Trout can: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: Inventory is full! No non-keep items selected in setup window! Waiting...
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: go bank!!
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: 2 Skipping over (i0s0), ss: deposit_except and: Genie lamp,Dodgy necklace,Gloves of silence,Coin pouch,Trout, can: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: 2 Skipping over (i0s0), ss: withdraw and: Trout can: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: Inventory is full! No non-keep items selected in setup window! Waiting...
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: go bank!!
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: 2 Skipping over (i0s0), ss: deposit_except and: Genie lamp,Dodgy necklace,Gloves of silence,Coin pouch,Trout, can: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: 2 Skipping over (i0s0), ss: withdraw and: Trout can: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: Inventory is full! No non-keep items selected in setup window! Waiting...
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: go bank!!
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: 2 Skipping over (i0s0), ss: deposit_except and: Genie lamp,Dodgy necklace,Gloves of silence,Coin pouch,Trout, can: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: 2 Skipping over (i0s0), ss: withdraw and: Trout can: false
[INFO][Bot #1][11/03 04:43:46 AM]: Script Perfect Thiever has paused!


banking seems stuck for some reason... 
master farmers btw!

Edited by justacrow
addding in npc
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