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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Activated all trials gl guys :D 

Hmm pickpocketing knights seems to be working, including sticky npc mode, will run some more tests to make sure but everything seems fine :o 


For sticky npc, you need to hit the F1 key, then click on an npc, then the script will start pickpocketing, please read instructions!! ^^ :D 

Edited by Czar
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On 2017-08-26 at 11:10 AM, Czar said:

Activated all trials gl guys :D 

Hmm pickpocketing knights seems to be working, including sticky npc mode, will run some more tests to make sure but everything seems fine :o 


For sticky npc, you need to hit the F1 key, then click on an npc, then the script will start pickpocketing, please read instructions!! ^^ :D 

Stun timer seems broken, it just mass clicks even when you're stunned completely ignoring the amount of time you set for it to wait.

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For blackjacking it seems to struggle between when it gets to a point it needs to eat, and the rest of the script. The mouse rapid-fire goes back and forth all spastic. Also, there are times when I think it's sleeping because it thinks it's stunned when it isn't stunned. 


lastly, and i haven't gotten to this point, but is there noted food support?

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This isn't pickpocketing knights. Just sits there waiting for stun timer


This is with the people splashing a knight in the bank for you, though. Idk if it thinks it's in the bank and won't thieve then? 


-edit- I got it working, but it'd be really really cool if you could get dodgy necklace support, and slowed the time between pickpockets down so it's less bot-like

Edited by melomel
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On 8/22/2017 at 8:29 AM, bigblue090 said:

Used this on master farmer for 2 hours and got banned.

I've been using it on master farmer on new acc since level 38 thieving, now im 60 and perfectly fine, I'm central time canada/usa and only bot 12pm - 11pm, overnight is when i get banned because i think it has something to do with jagex working hours and in the UK thats when they work.


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