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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Not yet, blackjacking will be added as soon as the code is perfected and until the script makes no mistakes :D, guys I have been rewriting the entire script from scratch, will update the thread with new updates ASAP :D many highly requested features will be added :D

Activated trials good luck everyone ;)

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could i please have a trial?


Not yet, blackjacking will be added as soon as the code is perfected and until the script makes no mistakes biggrin.png, guys I have been rewriting the entire script from scratch, will update the thread with new updates ASAP biggrin.png many highly requested features will be added biggrin.png

Activated trials good luck everyone wink.png


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Not yet, blackjacking will be added as soon as the code is perfected and until the script makes no mistakes biggrin.png, guys I have been rewriting the entire script from scratch, will update the thread with new updates ASAP biggrin.png many highly requested features will be added biggrin.png

Activated trials good luck everyone wink.png


Whilst I have the chance for some input, I'd personally like the addition of Pyramid plunder and maybe an extra layer of randomization between clicks for anti ban purposes (if it makes any difference), or something along those lines, safety first!  ^_^

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For which option does the script not eat/run away/bank? Stalls, chests, pickpocketing? I will test the same option and fix any bugs


Also which option doesn't the script grab food anymore? Will test too 




Guys, if there are any bugs please post a bug report and there will be a script update ASAP, e.g. which script setup, which options enabled, what is the bug, how to make the bug happen. This will speed up bugfixing by so much. I will be testing the most popular options in the meantime


Also guys don't forget that the Eat HP option is not percent, but is the actual HP value to eat food at

Edited by Czar
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Hmm I made the script stop if the client doesn't detect nature runes or the item to alch, if both items are in inventory and the client doesn't detect, can you try a client restart? biggrin.png



Tried that to no avail - will take extra nature runes in inventory. Maybe that is it. Was expecting it to steal > alch > steal alch > steal alch


Edit: My mistake, mis understood the alch function. It was because i had no natures. Works fine with the extra natures in inv.

Edited by xlNick
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For which option does the script not eat/run away/bank? Stalls, chests, pickpocketing? I will test the same option and fix any bugs


Also which option doesn't the script grab food anymore? Will test too 




Guys, if there are any bugs please post a bug report and there will be a script update ASAP, e.g. which script setup, which options enabled, what is the bug, how to make the bug happen. This will speed up bugfixing by so much. I will be testing the most popular options in the meantime


Also guys don't forget that the Eat HP option is not percent, but is the actual HP value to eat food at






For me it was the stalls, set it to run on Cake Stall & it did nothing but click the stall even when being attacked. Could I change to this one? https://osbot.org/forum/topic/85674-czar-al-kharid-warriors-%E3%80%8Cup-to-30khr%E3%80%8D%E3%80%8Cdeadman-support%E3%80%8D%E3%80%8Cpotions-%E3%80%8D%E3%80%8Cspecial-attacks%E3%80%8D%E3%80%8Ckebab-buyer%E3%80%8D%E3%80%8Cglobal-compass%E3%80%8D/ - I used maybe 10-15 mins on the thieving one, just doesn't work for me.

Edited by Suits
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Changing scripts isn't possible but I will activate a 100 hour trial for the warrior script until baker stall update is added to the script


good luck biggrin.png


New update (v144)


- Bakers' stall fixed

- Added food eating while running away from combat

- Added 10 coin chest

- Added an update for alching at nature rune chest, the script will not require extra runes to start now


update will be live in less than 24 hours good luck everyone wink.png

Edited by Czar
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