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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Hey I bought the script and it's sick. Do you think you could add an option to save your settings? It's annoying having to set up 9-10 accs everytime :(

12 hours ago, lunapt said:

can i choose to drop all items except the ones i like?

Yeah you can, you choose the NPC/stall/chest etc you wanna rob then it gives a list of items, you tick the items you wanna keep and it drops the rest. 

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22 minutes ago, ToxicRiot said:

Stun timer is broken. After being stunned it waits 10 seconds or so before trying again.

If you use mirror mode there's a differential delay which roughly doubles the afk time after stun, so just set that slider to half of what you want. I want a 2 sec delay so I set it to 1 sec. If it's stealth injection then idk

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Great script Czar, however there is one thing I keep noticing. Sometimes i'll stop babysitting the bot for 20-40 min and i'll come back and i'm sitting in a completely different spot than usual. I was pick pocketing warrior women in varrock castle, came back 20 min later to find my guy sitting outside one of the stalls in Draynor Village, with the script stopped. I know I had all the settings accurately set so that it would stick to one warrior npc, but I come back to see what I just explained. This is the third or fourth time its happened. It happened while pick pocketing from the farmer south of Varrock as well. Any idea why this might be happening? I am running on Mirror Mode. 

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Will be adding a few patches for delays ASAP. However, if you have mirror please try setting the reaction timer from 1000ms to 50ms using the SHIFT + F3/F4 keys if you want even quicker speed. In the meantime I will be removing the entire non-client delay from stalls.

As for the stalls/warrior women did you manage to catch an error log before the bot stopped? It would help a lot with finding the issue so I can offer a solution, otherwise no worries. In the meantime I will do some debugging over there and add any updates necessary.

Rogue's den is coming, along with the outfit maze thing, just needed to get a few other updates out of the way first.

Saving/loading profiles is also coming, will be converting the code from my fighter to here, I have recently started converting my scripts to the fighter's code (allowing CLI, saving/loading, mules, progressive levelling, GE) all in one go, and thiever is definitely on the list.

A few other tweaks/edits coming up too, stay tuned for more information. Thanks for all support and feedback guys, keep it coming. Also activated trial runs, double time so you can compare versions.

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Updated has been posted, will take a few hours to go live, enjoy! :D

As for breaks - they are in: Top right -> Settings -> Options -> Enable breaks, then you are able to set the amount of minutes to break for, and how often to trigger breaks - gl ^^ :D

Also trials activated too, enjoy! Gave double trial time since an update is pending for stalls too. Let me know if you need more time :)

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