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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Hi, I have few problems. I was pickpocketing warriors (25), script runs good until he needs to bank it goes to GE but goes pass and goes on to Edge and gets stuck at the wall of GE. 


Other problem it does nothing with random events (no dismiss or solving), just ignores it. Also on death or problem, like get stuck on wall it just sits and does not even log out..


Also tried ardy nature chest, also dont work.. Script just sits, sometimes clicks on run tab then door but that is it..

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You gotta start the script at the ardy chest otherwise the script will just be confused and do nothing, confirm please :D


As for random events, they are handled by the OSBot client, just go to settings -> options -> "Dismiss all randoms" and done :D


Will add an update for warriors and GE/Edge bank asap :D I highly recommend the warriors at ardy, they work much better, but still update is coming ;)


As for trials, activated all trials good luck everyone ;)

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This script is totally useless. I was botting in dead man mode and it left the safe area in ardy and got killed by a player. Not only did I lose immense combat stats, I lost a 15m bank. Which is about 40m OS gold. I would like a refund, or the script to be fixed where it can not be lured. Not to mention, after it died and lost the thieving cape, it KEPT THIEVING UNTIL IT DIED, OVER AND OVER so i kept on dying, OVER AND OVER! I am lucky i wasnt killed by  a player multiple times. HOW THE FLK DID IT EVEN GET BACK TO ARDY? L0L0L

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Well the script has deathwalk, it's not a stupid script -.-


As for deadman mode, I will add more anti-pk near the exits, but you can still get farcasted and KO'ed, should I just make the script run to bank? Deadman mode is more complicated than normal mode, but hopefully these ideas are good :D

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Well the script has deathwalk, it's not a stupid script -.-


As for deadman mode, I will add more anti-pk near the exits, but you can still get farcasted and KO'ed, should I just make the script run to bank? Deadman mode is more complicated than normal mode, but hopefully these ideas are good biggrin.png

Well you should just keep it out of farcast range of the fence I guess. I will be refunding either way because today on day 2 of bottling my account is banned. This script is easily detectable. I have four other bots doing the same actions using a SCAR script and they run 24/7 no problem. Only the accounts that used this script are banned. 

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