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Perfect Warriors


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Sometimes it gets stuck at the middle fountain. The bot also does not click anywhere else on the ground, movement to another tile, after killing a guard it just sits in one place until another guard is in sight, then it clicks. Kind of unnatural, dunno if this affects ban rates or what but it most definitely looks suspicious. Otherwise pretty good script, allows me to focus on uni while getting them dope runescape gainz.


EDIT: i am using the script in mirror mode, so idk if the fountain problem occurs in injection mode as well

Edited by mongoose1
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The only thing I can think of atm is the mirror mode canReach bug, it currently affects most walking-related scripts such as combat scripts etc, motherlode mine (with the rockfalls), stronghold (with all the doors)


MGI has been notified of this and he said there will be a fix in the next version of mirror mode :D


Here is the thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/90826-edit-mirror-issue-flags-arent-getting-updated/

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hey! last day i asked a trial for ur perfect stronghold and yes it rocks, and definetly going to buy that after i get money, but once it didn't go back to bank after it was out, just stood there, u may wanna look at it :) well, im not p2p yet so i am not hunting for loots, but a great exp! could i try this one out too ? ima buy these both if this rocks as hard as stronghold :) 

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