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Hmm are you using mirror mode? That looks like a mirror bug, I have posted a bug report on it, the only known fix is to restart client, it should solve it immediately



EDIT: Completely my fault, choose a premium script of mine for free, I will activate it ASAP. (this is because I have posted an update and completely forgot about banking)


Anyhow, I have posted another update which fixes banking, but since it took 2 updates, I will give you a free script for inconvenience :)

Edited by Czar
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Hmm are you using mirror mode? That looks like a mirror bug, I have posted a bug report on it, the only known fix is to restart client, it should solve it immediately



EDIT: Completely my fault, choose a premium script of mine for free, I will activate it ASAP. (this is because I have posted an update and completely forgot about banking)


Anyhow, I have posted another update which fixes banking, but since it took 2 updates, I will give you a free script for inconvenience smile.png


Fuck yea you're the man! VSuShjF.gif


I hella appreciate that.Well since I have nearly ever single script you've made except the thiever and Motherlode then  I'll take your Motherlode Miner one. Although (since it's clear you don't want to respond to my PM's) I wanted your slayer script, if you aren't wanting to give that out to anyone else I understand.


This is why I always stick with your scipts :)

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Hi Czar,


Just bought the script but it keeps getting stuck on the fountain after about 30 min. Here's the error:


[ERROR][bot #1][01/06 01:59:01 AM]: Error in script executor!
at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.NodeDequeIterator.getNext(mk:72)
at org.osbot.rs07.api.GroundItems.getAll(ql:58)
at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(uk:205)
at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(uk:201)
at perfect.scripting.script.b.b.Prn.G(kj:179)
at Aux.onLoop(im:442)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(we:22)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[iNFO][bot #1][01/06 02:17:57 AM]: Script Czar Al Kharid Warrior has paused!
EDIT: Also just AFK's in one spot when I'm out of food, doesn't go to the bank :(
Edited by atrain009
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Randomly stops for long periods at a time, haven't been able to confirm if it fixes itself on its own or not, but I paused it, clicked on a warrior, unpaused and it kept on going fine.

[DEBUG][01/06 02:31:28 AM]: OSBot is now ready!
[INFO][01/06 02:31:29 AM]: Loaded 5 RS accounts!
[INFO][01/06 02:31:29 AM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.4.29!
[INFO][01/06 02:31:33 AM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 103!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][01/06 02:31:33 AM]: Initializing mirror client bot...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/06 02:31:46 AM]: Initializing 37 API modules...
[INFO][01/06 02:31:46 AM]: Started bot #1
[DEBUG][01/06 02:39:52 AM]: Loading script id : 783
[DEBUG][01/06 02:39:56 AM]: Loaded script!
[DEBUG][01/06 02:39:56 AM]: Launching script...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/06 02:39:56 AM]: Loaded 3 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][01/06 02:40:03 AM]: Started script : Czar Al Kharid Warrior
[INFO][Bot #1][01/06 02:45:57 AM]: Script Czar Al Kharid Warrior has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/06 02:46:02 AM]: Script Czar Al Kharid Warrior has resumed!
[ERROR][Bot #1][01/06 02:51:50 AM]: Error in script executor!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Union object is null or owned by someone else
	at client.nat.stream.Stream.m22(Native Method)
	at client.Ox.getDefinition(Unknown Source)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC.getId(pn:23)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC.getDefinition(pn:149)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.NPCS.getAll(lj:106)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(uk:205)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(uk:201)
	at perfect.scripting.script.b.nuL.f(wl:498)
	at Aux.onLoop(im:283)
	at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(we:22)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][01/06 02:52:37 AM]: Script Czar Al Kharid Warrior has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/06 02:57:33 AM]: Script Czar Al Kharid Warrior has resumed!

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@Oven how much ram did you allocate to the bot, I set it to higher mb and it stopped causing those kinds of errors since they are mirror-mode only


@andrew Which fighting location did you select?


Anyhow, I have added an update to prevent the script from being stuck walking/near the fountain/central area

Edited by Czar
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@Oven how much ram did you allocate to the bot, I set it to higher mb and it stopped causing those kinds of errors since they are mirror-mode only


@andrew Which fighting location did you select?


Anyhow, I have added an update to prevent the script from being stuck walking/near the fountain/central area


I did not allocate higher mb to it, I left it at it's default amount. I will do that next time, thanks.

Can I still have that other script though, or did you change your mind?


I've used this script for one day and already banned.. It's easily traceable and doesn't have

A functioning anti pattern

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You can't get banned in 3 hours man, unless you used a ton of free scripts or something, that is impossible, I've been here for 1 year and every time a user tells me they were banned within a short period of time, they admit they used free scripts or something..


If the script ran for 3 hours and 30 minutes, it wasn't really a broken script was it? Walking has improved by a lot too, so there are no complaints!


@Oven mitts done, I activated the motherlode mine script, good luck mate smile.png Sorry for inconvenience.


See, this user had a problem, but he isn't whining like you, and instead wound up with a premium script (more popular script) too

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It's still getting stuck sometimes trying to spam click an aggro'd warrior but a door is in between, or it has even just sat there for no reason. I'll get a pic and the log next time it happens, although I'm considering getting 15 prayer on my 1 def staker so I can train on experiments so I wont be using this one for much longer if I do.


And thanks for the new script! Only time I've ever gotten banned even the first 24 hours was when I didnt delete the random.dat and cache after I had another account banned and then also used a shitty free script.


I suicide the fuck out of my accounts (it's the only way I bot), and I almost only use Czar's scripts. He's the man.


And Czar WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME!!!! At least respond to what I'm sayin' bout the slayer script, even if it's a no.

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I want the slayer project to be a secret, since in the past I would always announce it etc, hype it up, then would be side-tracked with other scripts, so this time I wanted to keep quiet, finish the product and release it :D


As for unreachable attacking, I will add an extra safety check for that, thanks for feedback :D glad to see the bot is getting better (less problems) :)

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