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get a life and do something and contribute to the society, instead of smoking pot every day and pretending to be mr fucking awesome


lol i have a full time job, i have free time to do what ever the fuck i desire. And pursuing this would be one. And i dont have to pretend, i am Mr. Fucking Awesome.


I could extract 'Pot" out of your sentence and replace it with Runescape and send it back at you.. How do you feel now? ;) butt hurt?

Edited by Snucer
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Its not like hes hurting anybody. Personally this belongs on like r/trees or something but yeah.


I do enjoy an occasional smoke or dab but I usually don't brag about it or whatever  

He IS hurting someone; he's hurting the society with his bullshitting. But I don't give a fuck about that, just posted my thoughts, so fuck off

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lol i have a full time job, i have free time to do what ever the fuck i desire. And pursuing this would be one. And i dont have to pretend, i am Mr. Fucking Awesome.


I could extract 'Pot" out of your sentence and replace it with Runescape and send it back at you.. How do you feel now? wink.png butt hurt?

Sorry, I don't know how to smoke "Runescape". Perhaps you could show us, you're the drug user here

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Sorry, I don't know how to smoke "Runescape". Perhaps you could show us, you're the drug user here


Lol. You clearly understood what i meant, I am gonna assume you are roughly between ages 14 - 17. No knowledge on the benefits of cannabis. And putting your input where it doesn't belong :) lol talk to me when your balls drop little guy :)

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Lol. You clearly understood what i meant, I am gonna assume you are roughly between ages 14 - 17. No knowledge on the benefits of cannabis. And putting your input where it doesn't belong smile.png lol talk to me when your balls drop little guy smile.png

Wow dude, you really know me. Are you a wizard or something?


fuck this bs

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get a life and do something and contribute to the society, instead of smoking pot every day and pretending to be mr fucking awesome


I smoke pot every day, multiple times a day. What does that say about me?

Not shit.

I am 2 semesters away from receiving two bachelor degrees and work at the same time. 

I think thats pretty fucking awesome, don't you? 

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Whats up buddy!

     Let me first begin this response by saying that I am in no way shape or form trying to insult you. I smoke pretty much for everything, I have multiple oil rigs, I sometimes toss out wax for profit, and basically dabs are life. On that note, I still am one semester away from getting my degree before anyone trashes me for being a useless pot head. Secondly, I think it would be dope to be able to hop on a stream as I dab and geek out with some other people from around the globe/across the nation do the same thing.. it would be a cool way to discuss and be in awe of everyones' different pieces and what not.. nothing like seshes with fellow yabberdabbers and the more people lit in one area, the better. Why do you think bonaroo is the best place on earth? hahaha. 

   About the youtube videos, I think that they are over done. The twitch idea seems pretty badass but you are really opening yourself up for the insults and shit that comes along with putting videos of huge rips and shit. To most people they will put you on blast in the comment section in the sense that you are "a pussy bitch that doesn't know shit about weed" and so on.... you know? just some of my thoughts. 

-on dab 3

-in middle of class



take it easy man



yeah ha ha smoke weed every day 420



Were you guys high when you thought of this? wink.png



Its not like hes hurting anybody. Personally this belongs on like r/trees or something but yeah.


I do enjoy an occasional smoke or dab but I usually don't brag about it or whatever  








Drugs are bad 



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