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Marijuana ll Weed ll Dabs ll Hash ll


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Drugs are bad 



I am NOT promoting anyone to go and smoke weed, or do any drugs. I am simply stating the fact i am looking into starting up my own YouTube Channel along with Stream for this content (THC). No drug content will be posted on forums. There's also, no drug paraphernalia on this thread, so there should be no valid reason for this thread to be taken down again. It is a serious inquiry as to how many people would be interested.






       im going to keep this nice short and simple, me and my buddy have some sweet pieces to smoke dabs, and bowls out of. We do this on a daily basis, the other day we were discussing what if we started our own YouTube channel with content of us chilling out seshing. What plans we have are us sitting down, having a session and talking to you guys about questions anyone may have ect. We also wanna start recording our big hits and post them to YouTube for shits and giggles and alot of the time we do tend to push the limit just for laughs, and it gets intense some times. And no, im not exaggerating when i say big.. lol.. I'm talking the hits that make you wanna go night night, uncomfortably high. Wouldn't it be great?    We've been doing this for time and only recently decided we should make a YouTube Channel about it/Live stream.


      Not only do we want to start our own YouTube channel based around comedy and pot, but we would like to start up a Live Stream as well so that the viewers can pop in and say what up. I have created a strawpoll just to get a rough draft of viewers who would be interested. If this is what you are into, take the two seconds and please click 'YES'.


       Once we gather everything, more details will come as to what our channel name is/Livestream.


Starting with the server community is only the beginning!






** Preview/Pilot episode  **



Cheers !



What To Expect :

  • Huge Night Night Dabs
  • Give aways
  • Personal record attempts
  • Funny ass shit
  • Always good vibes
Edited by Snucer
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Whats up buddy!

     Let me first begin this response by saying that I am in no way shape or form trying to insult you. I smoke pretty much for everything, I have multiple oil rigs, I sometimes toss out wax for profit, and basically dabs are life. On that note, I still am one semester away from getting my degree before anyone trashes me for being a useless pot head. Secondly, I think it would be dope to be able to hop on a stream as I dab and geek out with some other people from around the globe/across the nation do the same thing.. it would be a cool way to discuss and be in awe of everyones' different pieces and what not.. nothing like seshes with fellow yabberdabbers and the more people lit in one area, the better. Why do you think bonaroo is the best place on earth? hahaha. 

   About the youtube videos, I think that they are over done. The twitch idea seems pretty badass but you are really opening yourself up for the insults and shit that comes along with putting videos of huge rips and shit. To most people they will put you on blast in the comment section in the sense that you are "a pussy bitch that doesn't know shit about weed" and so on.... you know? just some of my thoughts. 

-on dab 3

-in middle of class



take it easy man

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Whats up buddy!

     Let me first begin this response by saying that I am in no way shape or form trying to insult you. I smoke pretty much for everything, I have multiple oil rigs, I sometimes toss out wax for profit, and basically dabs are life. On that note, I still am one semester away from getting my degree before anyone trashes me for being a useless pot head. Secondly, I think it would be dope to be able to hop on a stream as I dab and geek out with some other people from around the globe/across the nation do the same thing.. it would be a cool way to discuss and be in awe of everyones' different pieces and what not.. nothing like seshes with fellow yabberdabbers and the more people lit in one area, the better. Why do you think bonaroo is the best place on earth? hahaha. 

   About the youtube videos, I think that they are over done. The twitch idea seems pretty badass but you are really opening yourself up for the insults and shit that comes along with putting videos of huge rips and shit. To most people they will put you on blast in the comment section in the sense that you are "a pussy bitch that doesn't know shit about weed" and so on.... you know? just some of my thoughts. 

-on dab 3

-in middle of class



take it easy man


Haha oh yeah for sure man, people gonna hate regardless what you do lol and thats totally fine. But the objective we had in mind was just handing out deadly dabs and seeing the aftermath for shits and giggles, ontop of just chilling out and seshing and w.e, but yeah dude! we got a pretty sweet oil rig setup. We have alot of videos on our phones of friends taking like .8 dabs and shit and figured well fuck we should just throw them on youtube for laughs. And thats how this whole thing started! haha


lol you dont understand? lol

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Haha oh yeah for sure man, people gonna hate regardless what you do lol and thats totally fine. But the objective we had in mind was just handing out deadly dabs and seeing the aftermath for shits and giggles, ontop of just chilling out and seshing and w.e, but yeah dude! we got a pretty sweet oil rig setup. We have alot of videos on our phones of friends taking like .8 dabs and shit and figured well fuck we should just throw them on youtube for laughs. And thats how this whole thing started! haha


lol you dont understand? lol



I got you, I just wanted to say that to make sure... because people do that as it is in real life, so imagine the level these fuckers on the internet will take it. I have way too many of the same kinds of pictures and videos on my phone, but reiterating that I am so close to my degree and of course being 21 my parents generation loves social media/the internet so I wouldn't post anything like that. Once again, just my opinion. give me an add on here/osrs if you ever wanna  talk bro.

rsn: Sullli


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I got you, I just wanted to say that to make sure... because people do that as it is in real life, so imagine the level these fuckers on the internet will take it. I have way too many of the same kinds of pictures and videos on my phone, but reiterating that I am so close to my degree and of course being 21 my parents generation loves social media/the internet so I wouldn't post anything like that. Once again, just my opinion. give me an add on here/osrs if you ever wanna  talk bro.

rsn: Sullli




Yeah man i feel you haha. If the straw poll comes out good, ill be posting the stream page / youtube and get shit on the ball rolling.. ;)

No, i get it.  I just don't find these particular sets amusing or enjoyable in any sense.

if you want to, do it, most of the time it's funner making the video than watching it. 



Tis true. How ever, i wanna see what the outcome of this whole project is gonna turn out. lol

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I am NOT promoting anyone to go and smoke weed, or do any drugs. I am simply stating the fact i am looking into starting up my own YouTube Channel along with Stream for this content (THC). No drug content will be posted on forums. There's also, no drug paraphernalia on this thread, so there should be no valid reason for this thread to be taken down again. It is a serious inquiry as to how many people would be interested.






       im going to keep this nice short and simple, me and my buddy have some sweet pieces to smoke dabs, and bowls out of. We do this on a daily basis, the other day we were discussing what if we started our own YouTube channel with content of us chilling out seshing. What plans we have are us sitting down, having a session and talking to you guys about questions anyone may have ect. We also wanna start recording our big hits and post them to YouTube for shits and giggles and alot of the time we do tend to push the limit just for laughs, and it gets intense some times. And no, im not exaggerating when i say big.. lol.. I'm talking the hits that make you wanna go night night, uncomfortably high. Wouldn't it be great?    We've been doing this for time and only recently decided we should make a YouTube Channel about it/Live stream.


      Not only do we want to start our own YouTube channel based around comedy and pot, but we would like to start up a Live Stream as well so that the viewers can pop in and say what up. I have created a strawpoll just to get a rough draft of viewers who would be interested. If this is what you are into, take the two seconds and please click 'YES'.


       Once we gather everything, more details will come as to what our channel name is/Livestream.


Starting with the server community is only the beginning!



** Preview/Pilot episode in the works of coming, tonight or tomorrow **




Cheers !



  • "I am NOT promoting anyone to go and smoke weed..."
  • "[M]e and my buddy have some sweet piece to smoke dabs, and bowls out of. We do this on a daily basis..."
  • "Not only do we want to start our own YouTube channel based around comedy and pot..."
Hardcore stoners (such as you and your mate) are degenerates.
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  • "I am NOT promoting anyone to go and smoke weed..."
  • "[M]e and my buddy have some sweet piece to smoke dabs, and bowls out of. We do this on a daily basis..."
  • "Not only do we want to start our own YouTube channel based around comedy and pot..."
Hardcore stoners (such as you and your mate) are degenerates.



lol what are you saying. Im not sitting here telling everyone to go smoke pots and youll become superman. lmao, but Marijuana intrigues me, along with the benefits it can offer.

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  • "I am NOT promoting anyone to go and smoke weed..."
  • "[M]e and my buddy have some sweet piece to smoke dabs, and bowls out of. We do this on a daily basis..."
  • "Not only do we want to start our own YouTube channel based around comedy and pot..."
Hardcore stoners (such as you and your mate) are degenerates.


These were the people I was talking about, saucers. The unnecessary time and thought into the irrelevant comment regarding what he and his friends do. 

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get a life and do something and contribute to the society, instead of smoking pot every day and pretending to be mr fucking awesome

Its not like hes hurting anybody. Personally this belongs on like r/trees or something but yeah.


I do enjoy an occasional smoke or dab but I usually don't brag about it or whatever  

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