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Finally Banned - Continue?


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Hello Community,


Wanted to ask you for some help. I have botted on my main, for about 15 hours a day, everyday. Got myself from 70/70/70/70 to all 99's within 2-3 months. However, I decided to create myself a little goldbot for my main, and got banned on it. After the ban on my noob, my IP must have been flagged. I got a 2 day ban on my main. I am now wondering whether I can continue botting if I buy myself a proxy.


Any help please?


Any help is appreciated, thank you!

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Hello Community,


Wanted to ask you for some help. I have botted on my main, for about 15 hours a day, everyday. Got myself from 70/70/70/70 to all 99's within 2-3 months. However, I decided to create myself a little goldbot for my main, and got banned on it. After the ban on my noob, my IP must have been flagged. I got a 2 day ban on my main. I am now wondering whether I can continue botting if I buy myself a proxy.


Any help please?


Any help is appreciated, thank you!


I wouldn't bot on it anymore if you're wanting it to be your main. If not, i would say just sell it and make a profit off it before it's too late.

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Thank you very much for your responses. I do understand how lucky I am to have just been given a warning. I am wondering though whether a proxy and let's say a barrows bot would help in any away?

Thank you all.

Mate, I will tell you one thing that if you carry on botting you will be the stupidest man that I've come across today.


I have already mentioned previously to you that you've been lucky enough and you've received a second chance, a warning to stop destroying an account which you could use for further game play instead of botting. Jagex is basically sending you a notification message telling you that they're watching you from now on, and they're giving you a second chance to improve yourself and not be an idiot and bot on the account and yet you are stupid enough to even make a thread asking if you should bot?


Firstly I doubt you would make enough money from barrow trips before you get banned to even bother transfering the money or finding someone worth selling to. If you really don't have anything worth doing in the game, just sell your account and go live your life.


No IP changing, no VPN, no nothing will help you once you're flagged by the system, just make a new account if you want to bot so much and sell this one. As people tend to think IP changing or using a VPN will help them, honestly it will not, the system is able to detect and re-scan the account's' that have been banned before, so if you are going to purchase a VPN or whatever and bot on the same account, it won't make a difference whatsoever.


I am sorry if I've been offensive towards you in any way, but this is what it looks like from my point of view.


You-Oh shit, I've just been banned for 2 days...

Jagex-Hey bro, we've just banned your account for 2 days, we know your botting, this is your chance to stop. We are watching you from now on.

You-"Goes on bot site" makes a thread "should I bot knowingly they're watching me?"


As you can see it sounds stupid...trust me bro it's not worth botting on an account that is flagged, it will be more painful to lose it in the end, as you will most likely lose it.


Edited by Robzy
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