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Use an item in specific slot help

Chicken Wing

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Hey, is there a way to select an item in a specific slot in the inventory? I am using :


to select the 14th unstrung bow, however it just selects the first one (which I understand why). Is there a way to do it without manually defining the area on the screen to click? 

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Hey, is there a way to select an item in a specific slot in the inventory? I am using :


to select the 14th unstrung bow, however it just selects the first one (which I understand why). Is there a way to do it without manually defining the area on the screen to click? 



the Inventory subclass doesn't override the ItemContainer's "getItemInSlot" abstract method, meaning it's always gonna use the same method definedd in the parent class

Edited by senpai jinkusu
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getItemInSlot simply returns an Item instance. Item does not contain any information about which slot it was retrieved from. So when you try to interact with that item, it will simply use the first one it finds.


What you need to use is the overload of interact that takes a slot id as parameter

public boolean interact(int slot,                        java.lang.String... actions)


getInventory().interact(14, "Use");

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