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Dispute against Hailee


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Disputed Member: @Hailee

Thread Link: N/A

Explanation: Hailee has known my password for a week now. I can't change my password because emails from Jagex never arrive. So, she's played a few pranks on me. The first prank was when she took all of my stuff out of my bank and price checked it. Then said "GG Scamquit." And deleted me on Skype. And the other time was when she finished levelling my account, said I died, and lost full void. Now she has been on my account, stolen all of my items, and even taken apart my slayer helm for the black mask. I know that it was her as she is the only one to know my details.








I am highly assuming it was her. Don't know for sure but she's suspicious to me.


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so the first "joke" was when i leveled 70-75 range for him, i finished his leveling so i left his account in lumbridge with 3 items as a joke because i felt like me an him were good friends, second one was because we were in the deaman group chat, and he was wanting to show off his fcape but had no screenshotting equipment, so i offered to do it for him, he said the detail were the same so i logged on, saw that he had like 20m worth of items in his inventory so i price checked an then skyped him "oo" ;), i've trusted james with 35m of mine, mming for me and mesa, james knows i have cash of my own, i do not need any of his money. i did not know in anyway that his details were the same i was astonished that they were, and offered to change my pasword for him on skype incase it was my skype getting hacked, doubt it tho because my skype is new, i'd suggest him doing the same because all details are in the chat if they are still the same.


osbot's system is stupid anyway, i allready have a negative feedback for some 6 year olds actions.

so i don't know why i'm taking my time in replying.

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I am almost 100% sure that Hailee was the one that took my items. She was the only one with access to my account + bank pin. Which is gonna be changed ASAP. I have not bought services from anyone but her and Jackshow. But I highly doubt Jackshow could get into my bank as he didn't know my bank pin. I also don't think a $500 Donator would scam quit 20M. After I mm'd that trade. I said "You know I could've scammed that 35m, but I didn't." She replied with "I could've taken Mesa's account and the 20M from your account but I didn't."



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