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Price check on fully quested zerker? How much if 70 def?


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I'm looking for how much this zerker would be worth, in RSGP or USD. Also wondering how much 70 defence would alter that value tbh.




It has 1500+ total (soon to be 1600+), fully quested with firecape, barrows gloves, veng, ice barrage, slayer helm (i), salve(i) and fully stocked POH (teles, glory, altar, workshop, lecturn). Can do all of the elite challenge clues without using spicy stews (besides the one for dragon boots), and all of the hard clues except the one requiring 60 pray. Absolutely brutal at pking. Has tons of money making skills - from fletching and hunting, to zulrah and RCing, to wyverns or whatever you want really. Also ik I cut out the ranged, but it can wield blowpipe. See pics for more on that. Soon to be 90+ strength, and 85+ ranged.


I'm not going to be playing much longer (maybe another 2 months) since school is starting back up and I want to get the most out of my account in terms of return value; whether that'd be keeping it as a zerker and maxing out strength, or going main and bossing for GP.


Edit: Looking on PA, all of the zerkers I'm seeing are going for ~$200 and they have like 1100 total at max, without bgloves, or veng/FC. How accurate is that?

Edited by deathizpro
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