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[request] unbanning service


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recently i had a group do some services on my account offsite ( chinese ) which was the biggest mistake of my life, they said " we won't bot it sir, everything will be hand done by a worker" bullshit, i got banned 5 minutes after logging in to pk on it, anyways, I would like someone to try to unban my account. It got a macro major which confirms my suspicion they botted because I haven't botted on the account on my IP.


I would submit my own appeal to jagex saying it got hacked but I cant find out where to go now a days to send it, so I turn to you guys. I know someone out there can recover my acc for me. I changed my password on a different ip than my home address to make it look like a hack incase things went south, also on a different mac address. 


tell my your price and you can contact me on skype to discuss it / how the service would work at : streaks.rs



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